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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Generic class <T> , wie füge ich konkrete Daten ein ?

  Alt 12. Jan 2024, 15:50
nur eine limitierte Flexibility erreicht via Vererbung ...

  Infinity = 10000000;

  TClusterDataREC = record
    DrawingColor: TColor;
    x, y: Integer;
    chrlabel: char;
    // ...
    // ..
    // .

  /// <summary>
  /// a bit different pixeldefinition
  /// </summary>
  TClusterDataREC2 = class
    BWColor: Byte;
    x, y: Integer;
    // tbd.
    // ...
    // ..
    // .

  /// <summary>
  /// here it can be just a simple pixel description,
  /// in general we store the complete orginal data inside this list
  /// </summary>
  TRawData<T> = class(TList<T>)

  /// <summary>
  /// store the data now inside a cluster with a Centroid
  /// </summary>
  TCluster<T> = record
    /// <summary>
    /// <para>
    /// as of today T, but in future some other data type , depending
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// on future research :-)
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    Center: T;

    /// <summary>
    /// the selected elements from out complete raw data
    /// </summary>
    ClusterElements: TArray<T>;

  /// <summary>
  /// the cluster list
  /// </summary>
  TClusterList<T> = class(TList < TCluster < T >> )
    function GetItem(Aindex: Integer): TCluster<T>;
    procedure SetItem(Aindex: Integer; const Value: TCluster<T>);

    property Items[Aindex: Integer]: TCluster<T> Read GetItem Write SetItem;

  /// <summary>
  /// measure the distance according to this function
  /// </summary
TDistanceMetricfunction < T >= reference to
function(const A, B: T): Double;

  /// <summary>
  /// result of this function could be the TColor value , but also
  /// coordinates my have some impact in future ....
  /// </summary
TCentroidfunction < T >= reference to
function(const A: T): Cardinal;

  TKMeans<T> = class

    FClusteredData: TClusterList<T>;

    FRawData: TArray<T>;

    FNumClusters: Integer;

    FDistanceMetric: TDistanceMetricfunction<T>;

    FCentroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>;

    FMaxIterations: Integer;

    constructor Create(NumClusters: Integer;
      DistanceMetric: TDistanceMetricfunction<T>;
      Centroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>; MaxIterations: Integer = 10);

    function FindNewClusterCentroids: Boolean;

    procedure GroupData2NearestCluster;

    property RawData: TArray<T> read FRawData write FRawData;

  TImageClusterKMeans = class(TKMeans<TClusterDataREC>)


    procedure LoadData(SoureBitMap: TBitmap);

    procedure SaveData(OutBitMap: TBitmap);
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