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$0 in stream and loading as text

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 24. Aug 2014 · letzter Beitrag vom 25. Aug 2014
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Re: $0 in stream and loading as text

  Alt 25. Aug 2014, 18:06
@Sir Rufo, next time I'll be more precise
Data producer is unknown, I just know it is some resource compiler + compiler + linker (mean file is executable). Data is some data, it can be in any format, it can be a string too.

I wrote simple function to check if stream can be Unicode or ANSII:

function GetEncoding(AStream: TStream): TEncoding;
  V: Byte;
  Result := TEncoding.ANSI;

  if AStream.Size > 1 then
    AStream.Position := 1;
    AStream.ReadBuffer(V, 1);
    if V = 0 then
      Result := TEncoding.Unicode
Another one, I badly loaded encoded text (LoadFromStream - it was raw data, stupilo ), Append(DataString) is required.

As @brechi told, pointer terminate code is zero in TStrings, so this is main problem. I don't know how jump over it

Also I wrote poor (because very slow) procedure to replace bytes in stream, if someone need it:

procedure ReplaceBytes(AIn: TStream; const AFrom, ATo: Byte; AOut: TStream);
  I: Cardinal;
  V: Byte;
  for I := 1 to AIn.Size do
    AIn.ReadBuffer(V, 1);

    if V = AFrom then
      AOut.WriteBuffer(ATo, 1)
      AOut.WriteBuffer(V, 1)
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