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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 12:20
ok thanks.

but this is not all. i have more problems with the function which should find these strings.

first i have convert the hex bytes into the char format whith the code at the top.

now i have also strings to search like this:

AddD 4.84


AddD 4.83

so my dearch function:
function FindInFile(const FileName : string;
                    SearchWord : string; MatchCase : Boolean) : Integer;
  fs : TFileStream;
  Buffer : array [1..10000] of Char;
  Size : Integer;
  idx : Integer;
  i : Integer;
  Result := -1;
  idx := 1;
  if not MatchCase then
   SearchWord := UpperCase(SearchWord);
  fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmopenreadwrite or fmsharedenynone);
      Size := (Fs.Size - Fs.Position);
      if Size > 10000 then Size := 10000;
      Fs.ReadBuffer(Buffer, Size);
      if not MatchCase then
        for i := 1 to Size do
          Buffer[i] := Uppercase(Buffer)[i];
      for i := 1 to Size do
        if (Buffer[i] = SearchWord[idx]) then
          idx := 1;
        if (idx = Length(SearchWord)) then
          Result := (fs.Position - Size) + i - idx + 1;
    until fs.Position >= fs.Size;
when i start the search it should first search the 4.84 instances and when it doesn't exists it should search after 4.83. The problem is, that the function stop if they had found the 4 of 4.84 or 4.83 and they they things that is 4.84 and they do not search after 4.83

what is the problem in my code ? it must detect exactly the 4.84 or 4.83.

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