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Generic class <T> , wie füge ich konkrete Daten ein ?

Ein Thema von bernhard_LA · begonnen am 5. Jan 2024 · letzter Beitrag vom 12. Jan 2024

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Generic class <T> , wie füge ich konkrete Daten ein ?

  Alt 5. Jan 2024, 23:34
ich möchte den kMeans Algorithmus in einer Generic-Version erstellen, d.h.
der Algorithms kennt nicht die konkreten Daten, er arbeitet nur mit Hilfe einer als Parameter übergebenen DistanzMetrik-Funktion etc.

Mein aktuelles Problem: wie befülle ich die interne Liste mit den Rohdaten  FRawData: TRawData<T>; , dh. in der procedure Loaddata (siehe unten) kann ich die
Zeile FRawData.Add(ClusterData); nicht kompilieren, weil die Liste halt <T> Datentyp ist und ich lese einen konkreten Wert ClusterData: TClusterData ein .
Wie löse ich diese Problem.

Wenn ich meine Klasse dann verwende, ist klar T=TClusterData ....

var MyKMeans : TKMeans<TClusterData> ;
     MyKMeans := TKMeans<TClusterData>.Create(5,nil,nil, 10) ;


unit Unit_TKmeans;


uses types, classes, Generics.Collections, vcl.Graphics;

  Infinity = 10000000;


  /// <summary>
  /// here it is just a simple pixel but can be more in future
  /// </summary>
  TClusterData = record
    DrawingColor: TColor;
    x, y: Integer;
    // tbd.
    // ...
    // ..
    // .

  /// <summary>
  /// here it can be just a simple pixel, in general we store the complete morginal data inside this list
  /// </summary>
  TRawData<T> = class(TList<T>)

  /// <summary>
  /// store the data now inside a cluster with a Centroid
  /// </summary>
  TCluster<T> = record
    /// <summary>
    /// <para>
    /// as of today T, but in future some other data type , depending
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// on future research :-)
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    Center: T;

    /// <summary>
    /// the selected elements from out complete raw data
    /// </summary>
    ClusterElements: TArray<T>;

  /// <summary>
  /// the cluster list
  /// </summary>
  TClusterList<T> = class(TList < TCluster < T >> )
    function GetItem(Aindex: Integer): TCluster<T>;
    procedure SetItem(Aindex: Integer; const Value: TCluster<T>);

    property Items[Aindex: Integer]: TCluster<T> Read GetItem Write SetItem;

  /// <summary>
  /// measure the distance according to this function
  /// </summary
TDistanceMetricfunction < T >= reference to
function(const A, B: T): Double;

/// <summary>
/// result of this function could be the TColor value , but also
/// coordinates my have some impact in future ....
/// </summary
TCentroidfunction < T >= reference to
function(const A: T): Cardinal;

TKMeans<T> = class

  FClusteredData: TClusterList<T>;

FRawData: TRawData<T>;

FNumClusters: Integer;


FCentroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>;

FMaxIterations: Integer;
procedure SaveData(OutBitMap: TBitmap);
  constructor Create(NumClusters: Integer;
    DistanceMetric: TDistanceMetricfunction<T>;
    Centroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>; MaxIterations: Integer = 10);

  procedure LoadData(SoureBitMap: TBitmap);

  function FindNewClusterCentroids: Boolean;

  procedure GroupData2NearestCluster;


constructor TKMeans<T>.Create(NumClusters: Integer;
  DistanceMetric: TDistanceMetricfunction<T>; Centroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>;
  MaxIterations: Integer = 10);
  FNumClusters := NumClusters;
  FDistanceMetric := DistanceMetric;
  FMaxIterations := MaxIterations;

  FClusteredData := TClusterList<T>.Create;

  FRawData := TRawData<T>.Create;

  FDistanceMetric := DistanceMetric;

  FCentroidfct := Centroidfct;

function TKMeans<T>.FindNewClusterCentroids: Boolean;
  i, j: Integer;
  SelectedCluster: TCluster<T>;
  OldCentroid: Cardinal;
  ElementCount: Cardinal;
  Centroid: Cardinal;

  for i := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do
    SelectedCluster := FClusteredData.Items[i];
    ElementCount := length(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements);
    OldCentroid := FCentroidfct(SelectedCluster.Center);

    for j := low(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements)
      to High(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements) do
      Centroid := Centroid + FCentroidfct(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements[j]);

    Centroid := Round(Centroid / ElementCount);



procedure TKMeans<T>.GroupData2NearestCluster;
  i, j: Integer;
  closestCluster: Integer;
  minDist: Double;
  Dist: Double;
  ReferenceClusterCenter: T;
  RawDataItem: T;
  UpdateCluster: TCluster<T>;
  /// loop all raw data elements
  for j := 0 to FRawData.Count - 1 do
    RawDataItem := FRawData.Items[j];
    closestCluster := -1;
    minDist := Infinity;

    // Find the nearest cluster
    for i := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do
      Dist := FDistanceMetric(RawDataItem, FClusteredData[i].Center);
      if Dist < minDist then
        closestCluster := i;
        minDist := Dist;

    // these lines are wrong and do not compile, fix the code here !!!!
    UpdateCluster := FClusteredData[closestCluster];

      length(UpdateCluster.ClusterElements) + 1);

    UpdateCluster.ClusterElements[High(UpdateCluster.ClusterElements)] :=

    FClusteredData[closestCluster] := UpdateCluster;

procedure TKMeans<T>.SaveData(OutBitMap: TBitmap);
  x, y: Integer;
  ClusterIndex: Integer;
  closestCluster: Integer;
  minDist: Double;
  Dist: Double;
  Cluster: TCluster<T>;
  // Loop through all the pixels in the output bitmap
  for y := 0 to OutBitMap.Height - 1 do
    for x := 0 to OutBitMap.Width - 1 do
      closestCluster := -1;
      minDist := Infinity;

      // Find the index of the closest cluster to the current pixel
      for ClusterIndex := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do
        Dist := FDistanceMetric(FRawData[x + y * OutBitMap.Width],
        if Dist < minDist then
          closestCluster := ClusterIndex;
          minDist := Dist;

      // Assign the color of the closest cluster center to the current pixel
      Cluster := FClusteredData[closestCluster];
      // OutBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := Cluster.Center.DrawingColor;

  // Save the output bitmap to a file or show it in a GUI component
  // For example, to save the bitmap to a file:

  // Or, to show the bitmap in a TImage control:
  // Image1.Picture.Assign(OutBitMap);

procedure TKMeans<T>.LoadData(SoureBitMap: TBitmap);
  x, y: Integer;
  ClusterData: TClusterData;
  // Clear the old data

  // Loop through all the pixels in the bitmap
  for y := 0 to SoureBitMap.Height - 1 do
    for x := 0 to SoureBitMap.Width - 1 do
      // Create a TClusterData object for each pixel
      ClusterData.DrawingColor := SoureBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y];
      ClusterData.x := x;
      ClusterData.y := y;

      // Add the TClusterData object to the FRawData list

{ TClusterList<T> }

function TClusterList<T>.GetItem(Aindex: Integer): TCluster<T>;
  Result := inherited Items[Aindex];

procedure TClusterList<T>.SetItem(Aindex: Integer; const Value: TCluster<T>);
  inherited Items[Aindex] := Value;


Geändert von bernhard_LA ( 5. Jan 2024 um 23:37 Uhr)
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