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Registriert seit: 21. Aug 2003
4.856 Beiträge

Re: Suche kompo: seti@home progress bar

  Alt 20. Okt 2004, 16:43
ok, das ist fast genau das was ich wollte (fehlt noch das von hinten nach vorne sich die einzelnen striche aufbauen und die jeweils von oben nach unten) aber ich denke das sollte mir genügen. folgenden code kann man als vcl komponente installieren:
unit uStatus3DBalken;


  windows, graphics, classes, controls;

  TStatus3DBalken = class(TCustomControl)
    fMaxPos: Integer;
    fPos: Integer;
    fLineColor: TColor;
    fBalkenColor1: TColor;
    fBalkenColor2: TColor;
    fBalkenColor3: TColor;
    fTmpPic: TBitmap;
    procedure FDrawBalken;
    procedure FSetColors(AIndex: Integer; AValue: TColor);
    procedure FSetMax(AValue: Integer);
    procedure FSetPos(AValue: Integer);
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure Paint; override;
    property BalkenColor1: TColor Index 0 read fBalkenColor1 write FSetColors;
    property BalkenColor2: TColor Index 1 read fBalkenColor2 write FSetColors;
    property BalkenColor3: TColor Index 2 read fBalkenColor3 write FSetColors;
    property LineColor: TColor Index 3 read fLineColor write FSetColors;
    property Color;
    property Doublebuffered;
    property Max: Integer read fMaxPos write FSetMax;
    property Position: Integer read fPos write FSetPos;
    property ParentColor;

procedure Register;


procedure Register;
  RegisterComponents('Beispiele', [TStatus3DBalken]);

constructor TStatus3DBalken.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  fMaxPos := 100;
  fPos := 25;
  Color := clBlack;
  fLineColor := clSilver;
  fBalkenColor1 := RGB(220, 0, 0);
  fBalkenColor2 := RGB(200, 0, 0);
  fBalkenColor3 := RGB(110, 0, 0);
  fTmpPic := TBitmap.Create;
  SetBounds(Left, Top, 300, 28);

destructor TStatus3DBalken.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TStatus3DBalken.FDrawBalken;
var LCanvas: TCanvas;
    LGesHeight, LGesWidth, LBWidth, LBHeight, LAbstand, LBalkenWidth, LX, LY: Integer;
    LMax, LPos: Integer;
  fTmpPic.Width := Width;
  fTmpPic.Height := Height;
  LCanvas := fTmpPic.Canvas;
  //Hintergrund malen
  LCanvas.Brush.Color := Color;
  LCanvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
  if (Width > 2) and (Height > 2) then
    LX := 0;
    LY := 0;
    LGesHeight := Height - 1;
    LGesWidth := Width;
    LAbstand := LGesHeight div 3;
    LBHeight := LAbstand * 2;
    LBWidth := LGesWidth - LAbstand - 1;
    LMax := fMaxPos;
    LPos := fPos;
    LBalkenWidth := Round(LPos * (LGesWidth - LAbstand) / LMax);

    //BackgroundLines zeichnen
    LCanvas.Pen.Color := fLineColor;
    LCanvas.MoveTo(LX + LAbstand, 0 + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand + LBWidth, 0 + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand + LBWidth, 0 + LBHeight + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand, 0 + LBHeight + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand, 0 + LY);

    LCanvas.MoveTo(LX + LAbstand, LBHeight + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand - (LBHeight div 2), LBHeight + (LBHeight div 2) + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand + LBWidth - (LBHeight div 2), LBHeight + (LBHeight div 2) + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand + LBWidth, LBHeight + LY);

    LCanvas.MoveTo(LX + LAbstand, 0 + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand - (LBHeight div 2), (LBHeight div 2) + LY);
    LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand - (LBHeight div 2), LBHeight + (LBHeight div 2) + LY);

    if LBalkenWidth > 1 then
      //Balken zeichnen
      LCanvas.Pen.Color := fBalkenColor1;
      LCanvas.Brush.Color := LCanvas.Pen.Color;
      LCanvas.FillRect(Rect(LX + 1, LAbstand + LY, LX + LBalkenWidth, LAbstand + LBHeight + LY));

      LCanvas.Pen.Color := fBalkenColor2;
      LCanvas.Brush.Color := LCanvas.Pen.Color;
      LCanvas.MoveTo(LX + LBalkenWidth, LAbstand - 1 + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LBalkenWidth + LAbstand - 2, 1 + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LBalkenWidth + LAbstand - 2, LBHeight + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LBalkenWidth, LBHeight + LAbstand - 2 + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LBalkenWidth, LAbstand - 1 + LY);
      LCanvas.FloodFill(LX + LBalkenWidth + 1, LAbstand + LY, LCanvas.Pen.Color, fsBorder);

      LCanvas.Pen.Color := fBalkenColor3;
      LCanvas.Brush.Color := LCanvas.Pen.Color;
      LCanvas.MoveTo(LX + LAbstand + 1, 1 + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand + LBalkenWidth - 3, 1 + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LBalkenWidth - 1, LAbstand - 1 + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + 2, LAbstand - 1 + LY);
      LCanvas.LineTo(LX + LAbstand + 1, 0 + LY);
      if LBalkenwidth > 7 then LCanvas.FloodFill(LX + LAbstand + 1, 2 + LY, LCanvas.Pen.Color, fsBorder);
  BitBlt(Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, width, height, LCanvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

procedure TStatus3DBalken.FSetColors(AIndex: Integer; AValue: TColor);
  if (AIndex = 0) and (AValue <> fBalkenColor1) then
    fBalkenColor1 := AValue;
  end else if (AIndex = 1) and (AValue <> fBalkenColor2) then
    fBalkenColor2 := AValue;
  end else if (AIndex = 2) and (AValue <> fBalkenColor3) then
    fBalkenColor3 := AValue;
  end else if (AIndex = 3) and (AValue <> fLineColor) then
    fLineColor := AValue;

procedure TStatus3DBalken.Paint;

procedure TStatus3DBalken.FSetMax(AValue: Integer);
  if AValue < 0 then AValue := 0;
  if AValue <> fMaxPos then
    fMaxPos := AValue;
    if not(fPos < fMaxPos) then Position := fMaxPos;

procedure TStatus3DBalken.FSetPos(AValue: Integer);
  if AValue < 0 then AValue := 0 else
  if AValue > fMaxPos then AValue := fMaxPos;
  if (AValue <= fMaxPos) and (AValue <> fPos) then
    fPos := AValue;

ich lasse hier extra offen, sollte noch jemand die exakte kompo finden...
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