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Re: Mehrfach erstellte Form ansprechen

  Alt 18. Feb 2003, 22:34
Zitat von Yheeky:
Form1.MailFormLesen gibt an, wie die Form heist

Zitat von Delphi Help:
Creates a new form.

procedure CreateForm(FormClass: TFormClass; var Reference);


Call CreateForm to dynamically create a form at runtime. Developers do not need to add code for creating most forms, because typically one or more calls to CreateForm are added automatically to the Delphi project's main statement part when using the form designer.

CreateForm creates a new form of the type specified by the FormClass parameter and assigns it to the variable given by the Reference parameter. The owner of the new form is the Application object.

Note: By default the form created by the first call to CreateForm in a project becomes the application’s main form.
Michael N.
http://nailor.devzero.de/code/sharpmath/testing/ --- Tests, Feedback, Anregungen, ... aller Art sehr willkommen!
::: don't try so hard - it'll happen for a reason :::
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