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Wie RTF aus Text entfernen / konvertieren?

  Alt 17. Jan 2005, 01:27

ich habe eine Datenbank mit vielen vielen Texten drin bekommen, die allerdings im RTF-Style sind. Leider kann ich und das Zielprogramm damit nichts anfangen und ich suche nun nach Möglichkeiten, das RTF aus dem Text zu entfernen, bzw. zu konvertieren. Also aus ...

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qj\lang2057\f0\fs24 The ascendant is the sign of the zodiac which was rising above the horizon line at the time of your birth. Therefore, it is also called the \ldblquote rising sign\rdblquote . It is placed in the first house of the horoscope, which is the beginning of the celestial cycle. The first house represents the self. By understanding the nature of your ascendant, you will gain a deep insight into your own character.
\par ...
... mach ...

The ascendant is the sign of the zodiac which was rising above the horizon line at the time of your birth. Therefore, it is also called the "rising sign". It is placed in the first house of the horoscope, which is the beginning of the celestial cycle. The first house represents the self. By understanding the nature of your ascendant, you will gain a deep insight into your own character.
Kann mir da jemand beistehen? Leider kenn ich die ganzen RTF-Codes nicht, sonst hätte ich schon sowas wie einen Filter gebastelt. Bin für alle Tips dankbar!

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