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Registriert seit: 11. Dez 2004
Ort: Wien, Österriech
893 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Enterprise

Re: Problem beim Löschen aus einer TempList

  Alt 4. Feb 2005, 21:21
Schon mal was von Binary Trees gehört. Das wäre für dich eine Idealle lösung.
Hier ein Beispiel :
  PbinNode = ^TbinNode;
  TbinNode = packed record
    Word:string; // Frei auszuwählende Variablen und deren Typen...
    Number:integer; // Frei auszuwählende Variablen und deren Typen...
    left_child : PbinNode;
    right_child : PbinNode;
    parent : PbinNode;

function FindNode( p : Pbinnode; _text_ : string; var Node:pbinnode ):boolean;
function FindNode_n( p : Pbinnode; _text_ : string; var Node:pbinnode ):boolean;

function AddNode( p : Pbinnode; _text_ : string; parent_ : Pbinnode = nil):PbinNode;
procedure TreePrint( p : PbinNode);

  WordList : TStringList; // must be cleared before use of TreePrint procedure --->WordList.Clear;
                          // it is automatic created and destroyed..


  Finds a node with the condition '_text_' = p^.Word.
  Returns true if the word _text_ exists in the tree

// normal, no recursion, witch is much better

function FindNode_n( p : Pbinnode; _text_ : string; var Node:pbinnode ):boolean;
 var tempnode : Pbinnode;
 tempnode := p; // not really necessary or yes ? I think yes because p is a pointer...

 find_counter := 0;

 while (true) do

  inc (find_counter);

  if tempnode = nil then // if we are in a dead end
          begin // if so, nothing found
           Result := False;
           Node := nil;

  if _text_ = tempnode^.Word then // we fond it
         Node := tempnode;
         Result := True;

  // look on left
  if _text_ < tempnode^.Word
        then tempnode := tempnode^.left_child

  // look on right
  tempnode := tempnode^.right_child;


function FindNode( p : Pbinnode; _text_ : string; var Node:pbinnode ):boolean; // recursive
 inc (find_counter);
 if p = nil then
 begin // nothing found
  Result := False;
  Node := nil;

         // we found it
         if _text_ = p^.Word then
                 Node := p;
                 Result := true;
        // look on left
        if (_text_ < p^.Word) then Result := FindNode(p^.left_child, _text_, Node )

        // look on right
        Result := FindNode(p^.right_child, _text_, Node);

function AddNode( p : Pbinnode; _text_ : string; parent_ : Pbinnode = nil):PbinNode;
  if p = nil then
    p^.Word := _text_;
    p^.Number := 1;
    p^.left_child := nil;
    p^.right_child := nil;
    p^.parent := parent_;

        if (_text_ = p^.Word) then
                 Inc(p^.Number)// nothing happens
        if (_text_ < p^.Word) then
                 p^.left_child := AddNode(p^.left_child, _text_, p)
         p^.right_child := AddNode(p^.right_child,_text_, p);
  result := p;

Puts the content of the tree in a string list as a sorted list of entries
No dupicates are found in created list

procedure TreePrint( p : PbinNode); // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6....
  if (p <> nil) then


 WordList := TStringList.Create();
 WordList.Clear(); // there is no real need for this but never the less


Katura Haris
Es (ein gutes Wort) ist wie ein guter Baum, dessen Wurzel fest ist und dessen Zweige in den Himmel reichen.
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