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Registriert seit: 24. Apr 2004
755 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

Re: Die Zelle werd zwar Blau aber der Text nicht Weiss

  Alt 20. Mär 2005, 10:36
versuche es mal so:
procedure TForm1.GridServersDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
  Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
  bgColor: TColor;
  fontColor: TColor;
  with (Sender as TStringGrid) do
    if gdFixed in State then
      bgColor := FixedColor
      fontColor := clBlack;
    end else if IsWaiting in State then
      bgColor := Color;
      fontColor := clBlack;
    end else if gdFocused in State then
      bgColor := clActiveCaption;
      fontColor := clWhite;
    end else if gdSelected in State then
      bgColor := clLime;
      fontColor := clWhite;
    end else
      bgColor := Color;
      fontColor := clBlack;
    with Canvas do
      Brush.Color := bgColor;
      Font.Color := fontColor;
      if not IsWaiting and (gdFocused in State) then
       Draw(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Image1.Picture.Graphic);
       Rect.Left := Rect.Left + Image1.Width +2;
       TextOut(Rect.Right - TextWidth(Cells[ACol, ARow]) - 2,
              Rect.Top + 2, Cells[ACol, ARow]);
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