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Re: Bei druck auf "Druck" bild erstellen. Programm

  Alt 14. Apr 2005, 16:10
Hier hab ich mal aus der PSDK-Hilfe was zum Thema "Clipboard" gesucht :


The clipboard is a set of functions and messages that enable applications to transfer data. Because all applications have access to the clipboard, data can be easily transferred between applications or within an application.

This overview does not describe how to copy and paste linked or embedded objects. For information on these subjects, see the Component Object Model (COM) documentation.

About the Clipboard
This section discusses the clipboard.

Clipboard Formats
A window can place more than one object on the clipboard, each representing the same information in a different clipboard format. Users need not be aware of the clipboard formats used for an object on the clipboard.

Clipboard Operations
A window should use the clipboard when cutting, copying, or pasting data. A window places data on the clipboard for cut and copy operations and retrieves data from the clipboard for paste operations.

HTML Clipboard Format
This section discusses the HTML Clipboard format.

Using the Clipboard
A clipboard viewer window displays the current content of the clipboard, and receives messages when the clipboard content changes.

The ChangeClipboardChain function removes a specified window from the chain of clipboard viewers.

The CloseClipboard function closes the clipboard.

The CountClipboardFormats function retrieves the number of different data formats currently on the clipboard.

The EmptyClipboard function empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard. The function then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the window that currently has the clipboard open.

The EnumClipboardFormats function enumerates the data formats currently available on the clipboard.

Clipboard data formats are stored in an ordered list. To perform an enumeration of clipboard data formats, you make a series of calls to the EnumClipboardFormats function. For each call, the format parameter specifies an available clipboard format, and the function returns the next available clipboard format.

The GetClipboardData function retrieves data from the clipboard in a specified format. The clipboard must have been opened previously.

The GetClipboardFormatName function retrieves from the clipboard the name of the specified registered format. The function copies the name to the specified buffer.

The GetClipboardOwner function retrieves the window handle of the current owner of the clipboard.

The GetClipboardSequenceNumber function retrieves the clipboard sequence number for the current window station.

The GetClipboardViewer function retrieves the handle to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain.

The GetOpenClipboardWindow function retrieves the handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.

The GetPriorityClipboardFormat function retrieves the first available clipboard format in the specified list.

The IsClipboardFormatAvailable function determines whether the clipboard contains data in the specified format.

The OpenClipboard function opens the clipboard for examination and prevents other applications from modifying the clipboard content.

The RegisterClipboardFormat function registers a new clipboard format. This format can then be used as a valid clipboard format.

The SetClipboardData function places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format. The window must be the current clipboard owner, and the application must have called the OpenClipboard function. (When responding to the WM_RENDERFORMAT and WM_RENDERALLFORMATS messages, the clipboard owner must not call OpenClipboard before calling SetClipboardData.)

The SetClipboardViewer function adds the specified window to the chain of clipboard viewers. Clipboard viewer windows receive a WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message whenever the content of the clipboard changes.

An application sends a WM_CLEAR message to an edit control or combo box to delete (clear) the current selection, if any, from the edit control.

An application sends the WM_COPY message to an edit control or combo box to copy the current selection to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format.

An application sends a WM_CUT message to an edit control or combo box to delete (cut) the current selection, if any, in the edit control and copy the deleted text to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format.

An application sends a WM_PASTE message to an edit control or combo box to copy the current content of the clipboard to the edit control at the current caret position. Data is inserted only if the clipboard contains data in CF_TEXT format.

The WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window to request the name of a CF_OWNERDISPLAY clipboard format.

A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.

The WM_CHANGECBCHAIN message is sent to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain when a window is being removed from the chain.

A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.

The WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner when a call to the EmptyClipboard function empties the clipboard.

A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.

The WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message is sent to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain when the content of the clipboard changes. This enables a clipboard viewer window to display the new content of the clipboard.

A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.

The WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window. This occurs when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and an event occurs in the clipboard viewer's horizontal scroll bar. The owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the scroll bar values.

The WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and the clipboard viewer's client area needs repainting.

The WM_RENDERALLFORMATS message is sent to the clipboard owner before it is destroyed, if the clipboard owner has delayed rendering one or more clipboard formats. For the content of the clipboard to remain available to other applications, the clipboard owner must render data in all the formats it is capable of generating, and place the data on the clipboard by calling the SetClipboardData function.

A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.

The WM_RENDERFORMAT message is sent to the clipboard owner if it has delayed rendering a specific clipboard format and if an application has requested data in that format. The clipboard owner must render data in the specified format and place it on the clipboard by calling the SetClipboardData function.

The WM_SIZECLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and the clipboard viewer's client area has changed size.

The WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner by a clipboard viewer window when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format and an event occurs in the clipboard viewer's vertical scroll bar. The owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the scroll bar values.

The METAFILEPICT structure defines the metafile picture format used for exchanging metafile data through the clipboard.


© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Julian J. Pracht
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