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Benutzerbild von Gina

Registriert seit: 23. Dez 2004
Ort: Berlin
161 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Professional

Re: Diskette Formatieren - Zugriff verweigert

  Alt 16. Apr 2005, 15:51

die Prozedur sieht so aus:

procedure TStCustomShellTreeView.ShellEvent(Sender : TObject;
  SI1, SI2 : TStShellItem; Events : TStNotifyEventsSet);
  LastPidl : PItemIDList = nil;
  I : Integer;
  Node : TTreeNode;
  NewNode : TTreeNode;
  SF : TStShellFolder;
  Pidl : PItemIDList;
  DoShellChangeNotify(SI1, SI2, Events);
  if InternalEvent then begin
    InternalEvent := False;
  if SI1 = nil then
  { Something happened in the shell. See if it's something we   }
  { need to handle. We could get this event twice. If we do, we }
  { don't add to the tree view twice. }
  if ((neFolderCreate in Events) or (neDriveAdd in Events))
       or ((neFileCreate in Events) and (toShowFiles in Options))
       and (SI1.Pidl <> LastPidl) then begin
    { A folder was created. See if its parent is one we have in the list. }
    Node := FindParentNode(SI1);
    if Node <> nil then
      { If the node doesn't have any subnodes then we don't }
      { need to do anything. }
      if Node.Count <> 0 then begin
        SF := TStShellFolder.Create(Controller);
        if SF.FParentFolder = nil then
          SF.FParentFolder := Controller.DesktopFolder;
        SF.ParentList := Folders.FList;
        { It could be that a network drive is in the list but was }
        { not connected and has been reconnected. If that is the  }
        { case then we don't want to add the folder again. }
        NewNode := FindNodeByPath(SF.Path);
        if NewNode = nil then
          NewNode := Items.AddChild(Node, SF.DisplayName);
        NewNode.Data := Pointer(Folders.FList.Add(SF));
        LastPidl := SF.Pidl;
        NewNode.ImageIndex := SF.IconIndex;
        NewNode.SelectedIndex := SF.OpenIconIndex;
        NewNode.OverlayIndex := SF.OverlayIconIndex;
        if (neDriveAdd in Events) then
          NewNode.HasChildren := True;
        CustomSort(TreeCompareFunc, Integer(Self));
  if ((neFolderDelete in Events) or (neDriveRemove in Events)
       or ((neFileDelete in Events) and (toShowFiles in Options))) then begin
    { A folder was deleted. See if it is one we have in the list. }
    Node := FindNodeByPidl(SI1.Pidl);
    if Node = nil then
      Node := FindNodeByPath(SI1.Path);
    if (Node <> nil) and (Selected = Node) then
      Selected := Node.GetNext;
    if Node <> nil then begin
      { Remove it from the underlying list and from the tree view. }
      Folders.FList[Integer(Node.Data)] := nil;
  if (neFolderRename in Events) or
     ((neFileRename in Events) and (toShowFiles in Options)) then begin
    { A folder was renamed. This could be an item deleted to the }
    { recycle bin. See if the destination is the recycle bin.    }
      Application.Handle, CSIDL_DESKTOP, Pidl);

    if SI2 <> nil then begin
      if ILIsEqual(Pidl, SI2.Pidl) then begin
        { It's the recycle bin so delete from the tree view. }
        Node := FindNodeByPidl(SI1.Pidl);
        if Node <> nil then begin
          Folders.FList[Integer(Node.Data)] := nil;
      end else
        { See if it's one we have in the list. }
        for I := 0 to Pred(Folders.Count) do begin
          if UpperCase(Folders[I].Path) = UpperCase(SI1.Path) then begin
            if Folders[I].FParentFolder = nil then
              Folders[I].FParentFolder := Controller.DesktopFolder;
            Node := FindNodeByPidl(SI2.FPidl);
            if Node <> nil then begin
              Node.Text := SI2.DisplayName;
              CustomSort(TreeCompareFunc, Integer(Self));
  if (neNetShare in Events) or (neNetUnShare in Events) then begin
    Node := FindNodeByPidl(SI1.Pidl);
    if Node <> nil then
      Node.OverlayIndex := SI1.OverlayIconIndex;
  if (neMediaInsert in Events) or (neMediaRemove in Events) then begin
    { Media was added or removed. We need to flush the shell  }
    { cache and update the display or we'll just get a cached }
    { icon and display name. }
    Node := FindNodeByPath(SI1.Path);
    if Node <> nil then begin
      Node.ImageIndex := SI1.IconIndex;
      Node.Text := SI1.DisplayName;
Die Benachrichtigung an sich kommt ja an, doch offensichtlich sucht er sich das falsche Symbol aus... Falls keinem in der Prozedur was auffällt, dann lasse ich es eben so. Mit meinem speziellen manuellen refresh geht es ja. Ist nur etwas unschön...

Thx, Gina.
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