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Ein Thema von Baldo · begonnen am 31. Okt 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 21. Mai 2005
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Benutzerbild von Baldo
Registriert seit: 27. Sep 2004
EstLogger is ein CodeSite clone. Schick messages von deiner Programm zu einer log file, über welches Codes durchgeführt wird. Auf diese Weise kannst du einen besseren Einblick erhalten in was die Benutzer macht. Es ist auch möglich das Programm E-mails der log senden zu lassen, messages heraus zu filtern, du kannst Suchen durch dem log, usw. Alles vom Code, non-blocking (mit Windows messages), mit Installer für das stand-alone logger Programm. Freeware und open source.
Benutzerbild von S - tefano
S - tefano

Delphi 2009 Professional
  Alt 31. Okt 2004, 20:09

also ich glaub ich hab jetzt nicht so ganz verstanden was dein Programm macht.
Bislang klingt das für mich wie ein Trojaner, der irgendwelche Sachen loggt und es zu einem Server schickt.
Leider sind meine Niederländisch-Kenntnisse (trotz der zwei Jahre Schulunterricht) nicht gut genug um es Anhand deiner Seite zu verstehen, und deine Deutsch-Kenntnisse scheinen (jedenfalls für mich) nicht gut genug zu sein um es gut zu erklären.
Wie wärs mit Englisch?

Bis dann,

S - tefano
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Benutzerbild von Baldo

Delphi 7 Enterprise
  Alt 1. Nov 2004, 20:46
Hmmm, deutsch schreiben is nicht so einfag wie deutsch lesen But my enlgish is better I think. If you ever wanted to log the flow of your program (to debug, detect errors, or simply to see what things are used often and what not), CodeSite is a very good tool to do so. My program is an open source, freeware, CodeSite clone. Maybe not as powerful as CodeSite, but it has all the features you need to have your application log anything you like. See the demo application how to use the logging capabilities from your own program. It is not a trojan: it is a log facility (and as such, I always make my users aware of what is being logged and why I do that).

Sorry for my bad German (German at school is such a long time ago )
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Benutzerbild von S - tefano
S - tefano

Delphi 2009 Professional
  Alt 1. Nov 2004, 21:03
Well never mind, I guess my Dutch is quite equal to your German.
Give me a little time, I'm definetly going to try your tool; but not right now, you'll hear from me in the next days.


S - tefano
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Delphi 2006 Architect
  Alt 2. Nov 2004, 07:29
Hey Baldo,

since there is no documentation (well, at least some dutch words) at could you please
outline the capabilities of your solution compared to Bei Google suchenlog4d or Bei Google suchencodesite? What are your plans for the future concerning this logging "framework"?

edit: link corrected
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Benutzerbild von Baldo

Delphi 7 Enterprise
  Alt 2. Nov 2004, 19:32
Well, okay, here it comes:

What is EstLogger?

EstLogger is a logging solution that allows developpers to log any kind of information from their application to external log files. The logger is ment to help programmers solve problems in their code, but offcourse logging can be used for all kinds of purposes (progress logging, error logging, flow logging, etc).

How to use EstLogger?

Implementing logging in an application is done by making use of the EstLogger singleton, added to a program by simply including a unit. Sending a message to a log is a straightforward method call on the logger object: EstLogger.Send.

The logger singleton has several overloads of the send method to allow the programmer to easily send different types of data (strings, integers, floats, images and even complete stream content).

Next to sending regular messages, the logger also has methods for program flow messages. EnterMethod and ExitMethod are two methods that can be send when entering en exiting a class method (or procedure) so the logs shows where to program executing is at a given time. SendWarning and SendException can be used to log (possible) error situations.

There is also a method to mail the application log. This allows a programmers to be informed about on-site information on what happens in an application. Programmers can then respond on errors in their programs before their users may even notice them.

How does EstLogger work?

Logging is non-blocking (by making use of Windows messages) and log messages are captured and stored by an external application. This "logger application" runs on the computer along with the application sending the log messages. The logger application can run as a tray icon or in the background.

Logs are stored on disks on a location that can be dynamically configured using a configuration file. Log sizes can be configured and older logs are automatically compressed and stored at a customizable location.

There is a separate application available to view logs. This viewer has a few more capabilities than the logger application like browsing through archived logs and saving logs to XML (under construction at the moment).

So what’s in the package?

The Delphi project group constist of 4 projects:

1. The logger

This is the application that catches the log messages from one or more application that is logging messages and saves them to a log on disk.

2. The log viewer

This application allows logs or archived logs to be viewed.

3. A logger test application

This application demonstrates how to use the logger from Delphi code.

4. A logger package

When building applications with runtime packages, this package contains all units needed to use the logger singleton.

Why use EstLogger and not CodeSite or Log4D?

Well, I have personally used CodeSite in the past with great pleasure. The only thing that bothered me with CodeSite was that the CodeSite viewer was not available to the customer as but only to the developper. But other than that: a great product which you should really buy if you want to do some serious logging.

I do not know Log4D, but looking at the code in the package downloaded from CodeCentral it looks that Log4D does almost the same as EstLogger does, but in a blocking way (writing a message to the log blocks the program flow until it has been written). An the non-blocking part it what I like most about CodeSite and my own logger.

But the main reason to use EstLogger for me: it's free, open source, contains the parts of CodeSite I like the best and is fun to build.

What happens to EstLogger in the future?

Well, EstLogger is being used in the backoffice system of the company I work at. Messages from 40+ workstations will be logged to a central network location and are used to keep track of how the backoffice system is used and what can be improved. Depending on the needs at my work and requests from other users I will extend the logger class, the logger application and the viewer to be solid, stable, cool and educational product.

Currently I am working on the facilities to save logs as an xml file, and I have plans to create a logger http server facility (so you can browse to the logger on a machine on the network). I am open to good ideas offcourse and when my spare time alows it, I'll build more features.
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Delphi 7 Professional
  Alt 21. Mai 2005, 18:06
Does anyone know how to use the estlogger ??

can it be installed as a component in delphi 7 ??

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Benutzerbild von DGL-luke

Delphi 2006 Professional
  Alt 21. Mai 2005, 20:06
i don't think so, but

4. A logger package

When building applications with runtime packages, this package contains all units needed to use the logger singleton.
this may help you out. seems like you'll have to include the units into your app yourself.

but we could set making it a component onto the wishlist, couldn't we?

Da wir ja doch in nem deutschen Forum sind:

ich glaube nicht, aber
könnte dir helfen. Scheinbar musst du die units sewlber in dein programm einbinden.

Aber dass man eine Komponente daraus macht, könnte man doch auf die Wunschliste setzen?!
Lukas Erlacher
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