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Delphi 2005 Professional

Bitmap in ini speichern/aus ini lesen

  Alt 17. Jul 2005, 03:30
Heute stand ich vor dem Problem, dass ich zu diversen Profileinträgen in einer ini icons abspeichern wollte. Da ich die icons nicht als externe Dateien ablegen wollte hab ich mir 2 Funktionen für diesen Zweck geschrieben.
Sicher ist das ein Missbrauch von ini-Dateien, aber für kleine 16x16 Images noch vertretbar. Die Funktionen unterstützen jedoch jede Bildgröße.

Schreiben in ini:
  function BitmapToIni(Ini: TMemIniFile; Section, Key: string; bmp: TBitmap):
    procedure CompressStream(sIn, sOut: TStream);
      pIn, pOut: Pointer;
      sizeRead, sizeWrite: integer;
      pIn := nil;
      pOut := nil;
        getmem(pIn, sIn.size);
        sIn.Position := 0;
        sizeRead := sIn.Read(pIn^, sIn.Size);
        CompressBuf(pIn, sizeRead, pOut, sizeWrite);
        sOut.Write(pOut^, sizeWrite);
        if pIn <> nil then
        if pOut <> nil then
    function Encode64(S: string): string;
      Codes64 =
      i: Integer;
      a: Integer;
      x: Integer;
      b: Integer;
      Result := '';
      a := 0;
      b := 0;
      for i := 1 to Length(s) do
        x := Ord(s[i]);
        b := b * 256 + x;
        a := a + 8;
        while a >= 6 do
          a := a - 6;
          x := b div (1 shl a);
          b := b mod (1 shl a);
          Result := Result + Codes64[x + 1];
      if a > 0 then
        x := b shl (6 - a);
        Result := Result + Codes64[x + 1];
    n, x, y: integer;
    Tmp: string;
    BitmapStream: TMemoryStream;
    IniStream: TStringStream;
    BitmapStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    IniStream := TStringStream.Create('');
    Result := False;
      BitmapStream.Position := 0;
      CompressStream(BitmapStream, IniStream);
      IniStream.Position := 0;
      Tmp := Encode64(IniStream.DataString);
      n := 0;
      while Ini.ValueExists(Section, Key + '_' + IntToStr(n)) = True do
        Ini.DeleteKey(Section, Key + '_' + IntToStr(n));
      n := 0;
      while Tmp <> 'do
        ini.WriteString(Section, Key + '_' + IntToStr(n), Copy(Tmp, 1, 64));
        Tmp := Copy(Tmp, 65, Length(Tmp));
      Result := True;

Auslesen aus ini:
  function BitmapFromIni(Ini: TMemIniFile; Section, Key: string): TBitmap;
    procedure DeCompressStream(sIn, sOut: TStream);
      pIn, pOut: Pointer;
      sizeRead, sizeWrite: integer;
      pIn := nil;
      pOut := nil;
        getmem(pIn, sIn.size);
        sIn.Position := 0;
        sizeRead := sIn.Read(pIn^, sIn.Size);
        DecompressBuf(pIn, sizeRead, sizeRead, pOut, sizeWrite);
        sOut.Write(pOut^, sizeWrite);
        if pOut <> nil then
        if pIn <> nil then
    function Decode64(S: string): string;
      Codes64 =
      i: Integer;
      a: Integer;
      x: Integer;
      b: Integer;
      Result := '';
      a := 0;
      b := 0;
      for i := 1 to Length(s) do
        x := Pos(s[i], codes64) - 1;
        if x >= 0 then
          b := b * 64 + x;
          a := a + 6;
          if a >= 8 then
            a := a - 8;
            x := b shr a;
            b := b mod (1 shl a);
            x := x mod 256;
            Result := Result + chr(x);
    IniString: string;
    IniStream: TStringStream;
    BitmapStream: TMemoryStream;
    n: integer;
    IniString := '';
    n := 0;
    while Ini.ValueExists(Section, Key + '_' + IntToStr(n)) = True do
      IniString := IniString + Ini.ReadString(Section, Key + '_' + IntToStr(n),
    if IniString = 'then
      IniString := DEFAULT_BMP;
    IniStream := TStringStream.Create(Decode64(IniString));
    BitmapStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
      IniStream.Position := 0;
        DecompressStream(IniStream, BitmapStream);
        BitmapStream.Position := 0;
        Result := TBitmap.Create;
        if Result = nil then
          IniString := DEFAULT_BMP;
          IniStream := TStringStream.Create(Decode64(IniString));
          IniStream.Position := 0;
          DecompressStream(IniStream, BitmapStream);
          BitmapStream.Position := 0;
          Result := TBitmap.Create;
          Result.Width := 16;
          Result.Height := 16;
          Result.Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
[Edit]Bei der letzten bearbeitung hatte ich versehentlich 2 mal BitmatFromIni kopiert [/edit]
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