Thema: Delphi Scanline lahm??

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FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Scanline lahm??

  Alt 9. Okt 2005, 09:06
Also das mit Assembler lass ich lieber, damit kenn ich mich nämlich überhaupt ger nicht aus.

Komischerweise funktioniert folgende Funktion ohne Probleme. Die macht natürlich nicht das was ich will, aber diese Funktion geht:

procedure Antialiasing(const DC: TCanvas; const Rectangle: TRect);
  cx, cy: Smallint;
  r, g, b: Byte;
  Row1: pRGBTripleArray;
  Row2: pRGBTripleArray;
  Row3: pRGBTripleArray;
  TEMP: TBitmap;
  CurRect: TRect;
  TEMP := TBitmap.Create;
    with TEMP do begin
      Width := Rectangle.Right - Rectangle.Left;
      Height := Rectangle.Bottom - Rectangle.Top;
      CurRect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
      PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
      Canvas.CopyRect(CurRect, DC, Rectangle);
      with Canvas do begin
        for cy := 1 to (Height - 2) do begin
          Row1 := ScanLine[cy - 1];
          Row2 := ScanLine[cy];
          Row3 := ScanLine[cy + 1];

          for cx := 1 to (Width - 2) do begin
            r := (Row1[cx - 1].rgbtRed+Row1[cx].rgbtRed+
            Row1[cx + 1].rgbtRed+
            Row2[cx - 1].rgbtRed+
            Row2[cx + 1].rgbtRed+
            Row2[cx - 1].rgbtRed+
            Row3[cx + 1].rgbtRed+
            Row3[cx].rgbtRed) div 9;

            g := (Row1[cx - 1].rgbtGreen+
            Row1[cx + 1].rgbtGreen+
            Row2[cx - 1].rgbtGreen+
            Row2[cx + 1].rgbtGreen+
            Row2[cx - 1].rgbtGreen+
            Row3[cx + 1].rgbtGreen+
            Row3[cx].rgbtGreen) div 9;

            b := (Row1[cx - 1].rgbtBlue+
            Row1[cx + 1].rgbtBlue+
            Row2[cx - 1].rgbtBlue+
            Row2[cx + 1].rgbtBlue+
            Row2[cx - 1].rgbtBlue+
            Row3[cx + 1].rgbtBlue+
            Row3[cx].rgbtBlue) div 9;
            Row2[cx].rgbtBlue := b;
            Row2[cx].rgbtGreen := g;
            Row2[cx].rgbtRed := r;
      DC.CopyRect(Rectangle, Canvas, CurRect);
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