Thema: Delphi TBX & Toolbar 2000

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Registriert seit: 24. Mär 2004
Ort: bei Hannover
2.415 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Professional

Re: TBX & Toolbar 2000

  Alt 2. Nov 2005, 10:58

du muss peinlich genau auf die versionsnummern achten.

nicht alle versionen von beiden programmen laufen zusammen.
desweiteren bietet das tbx ein patch für die toolbar2000 an.
diesen muss du durchführen!
achtung auch das ist versions abhängig.

--- schnipp
doku zu der tbx2.0:

Installing TBX Package
TBX is an add-on package, you have to install it into IDE which already has Toolbar2000 packages installed. However, original Toolbar2000 code is not completely compatible with TBX and several changes should be made to Toolbar2000 sources before installation. The list of changes is included into the TBX distribution as a CVS-compatible diff file.

The easiest way to install the modified Toolbar2000 and TBX is a clean installation. If you already have Toolbar2000 (modified or unmodified) installed, it is recommended to uninstall it first. When upgrading to a new version of Toolbar2000 or TBX, you may occasionally run into internal IDE errors which will require complete uninstallation of both packages.

To uninstall existing Toolbar2000 and TBX, complete the following procedure:

in Delphi IDE, go to Component->Install Packages
find and remove all TB2K and TBX packages
close Delphi IDE
go to $(DELPHI)\Projects\BPL and delete tb2k*.dcp and tb2k*.bpl files
restart Delphi IDE
Now, when all Toolbar2000 and TBX packages has been completely removed, Delphi should start up without any problems.

To install both Toolbar2000 and TBX:

Go to [url][/url] and download the latest version of Toolbar2000. Make sure this version is the same as the version of the patch in $(tbx)\Diffs. For example, for Toolbar2000 version 2.0.16, this directory should contain files _cvs_patch-2_0_16.bat and _cvs_patch-2_0_16.diff.
Locate files Patch.exe, _cvs_patch-*.bat, and _cvs_patch-*.diff in the $(tbx)\Diffs directory. Copy these files to $(tb2k)\Source.
Run the _cvs_patch-*.bat file to apply the patch. Original files before modification will be saved automatically with the ‘.orig’ extension. You can use these files to undo the patching process.
Add Toolbar2000 Source directory to Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path.
Compile and install the tb2kdsgn_* package corresponding to IDE version. If a dialog box pops up asking you to save the package, choose ‘No’.
Add TBX installation directory to Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path.
Compile and install the tbxdsgn_* package corresponding to IDE version. If a dialog box pops up asking you to save the package, choose ‘No’.
Restart IDE.
When upgrading Toolbar2000 and TBX, the procedure of complete uninstall can often be skipped. Chances are that IDE will fire up a series of error messages but the packages will be installed properly. Sometimes, however, this does not work due to unknown internal errors in the IDE and the only way to resolve these problems is to uninstall Toolbar2000 and TBX as described above.

If you use CVS to keep Toolbar2000 up to date, notice that each release of TBX already includes all the changes introduced between the Toolbar2000 release and TBX release dates. Normally, you should be able to continue updating Toolbar2000 sources using Toolbar2000 CVS repository even after the TBX changes have been applied. Unless, of course, those updates do not interfere with TBX modifications.
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