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Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2005
Ort: Hohenaltheim
1.001 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Personal

Re: Versuch einen Registry Key zu exportiren (als *.reg Date

  Alt 10. Nov 2005, 15:37
Schau mal wass ich gerade bei den Schweizern gefunden hab:

procedure ExportRegistryBranch(Rootsection: Integer; regroot: string;
  FileName: string);


function dblBackSlash(t: string): string;
  k: longint;
  Result := t; {Strings are not allowed to have}
  for k := Length(t) downto 1 do {single backslashes}
    if Result[k] = '\then Insert('\', Result, k);

procedure ExportRegistryBranch(rootsection: Integer; Regroot: string;
  FileName: string);
  reg: TRegistry;
  f: Textfile;
  p: PChar;

  procedure ProcessBranch(root: string); {recursive sub-procedure}
    values, keys: TStringList;
    i, j, k: longint;
    s, t: string; {longstrings are on the heap, not on the stack!}
    Writeln(f); {write blank line}
    case rootsection of
      HKEY_USERS: s := 'HKEY_USERS';
    Writeln(f, '[' + s + '\' + root + ']'); {write section name in brackets}

    reg.OpenKey(root, False);
      values := TStringList.Create;
        keys := TStringList.Create;
          reg.GetValuenames(values); {get all value names}
          reg.GetKeynames(keys); {get all sub-branches}

          for i := 0 to values.Count - 1 do {write all the values first}
            s := values[i];
            t := s; {s=value name}
            if s = 'then s := '@{empty means "default value", write as @}
              s := '"' + s + '"'; {else put in quotes}
            Write(f, dblbackslash(s) + '='); {write the name of the key to the file}

            case reg.Getdatatype(t) of {What type of data is it?}

              rdString, rdExpandString: {String-type}
                Writeln(f, '"' + dblbackslash(reg.ReadString(t) + '"'));

              rdInteger: {32-bit unsigned long integer}
                Writeln(f, 'dword:' + IntToHex(reg.readinteger(t), 8));

             {write an array of hex bytes if data is "binary." Perform a line feed
              after approx. 25 numbers so the line length stays within limits}

                  Write(f, 'hex:');
                  j := reg.GetDataSize(t); {determine size}
                  GetMem(p, j); {Allocate memory}
                  reg.ReadBinaryData(t, p^, J); {read in the data, treat as pchar}
                  for k := 0 to j - 1 do
                    Write(f, IntToHex(Byte(p[k]), 2)); {Write byte as hex}
                    if k <> j - 1 then {not yet last byte?}
                      Write(f, ','); {then write Comma}
                      if (k > 0) and ((k mod 25) = 0) {line too long?} then
                        Writeln(f, '\'); {then write Backslash +lf}
                    end; {if}
                  end; {for}
                  FreeMem(p, j); {free the memory}
                  Writeln(f); {Linefeed}
                Writeln(f, '""'); {write an empty string if datatype illegal/unknown}
          end; {for}

        {value names all done, no longer needed}

      {Now al values are written, we process all subkeys}
      {Perform this process RECURSIVELY...}
      for i := 0 to keys.Count - 1 do
        ProcessBranch(root + '\' + keys[i]);
      keys.Free; {this branch is ready}
  end; { ProcessBranch}

  if RegRoot[Length(Regroot)] = '\then {No trailing backslash}
    SetLength(regroot, Length(Regroot) - 1);
  Assignfile(f, FileName); {create a text file}
  if ioResult <> 0 then Exit;
  Writeln(f, 'REGEDIT4'); {"magic key" for regedit}

  reg := TRegistry.Create;
    reg.Rootkey := Rootsection;
    {Call the function that writes the branch and all subbranches}
    reg.Free; {ready}
Im Anhang hab ich den ganzen Befehl noch als Unit angehängt.

Eine API-Funktion dierekt gibt es glaub nicht, wenn ich in der MSDN [msdn]api *.reg export[/msdn] such find ich nix.
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: pas exportreg_335.pas (4,4 KB, 51x aufgerufen)
Michael Enßlin
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