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Re: IdTCPServer: RSTerminateThreadTimeout (Terminate Thread

  Alt 18. Nov 2005, 07:19

Hatte ich nicht erwähnt, dass...

Zitat von Puhbaehr:
...hier (in der Unit IdTCPServer) in dieser Prozedur:

procedure TIdTCPServer.TerminateAllThreads;
  LSleepTime: Integer = 250;
  i: Integer;
  LThreads: TList;
  LTimedOut: Boolean;
  // Threads will be nil if exception happens during start up, such as trying to bind to a port
  // that is already in use.
  if Assigned(Threads) then begin
    // This will provide us with posibility to call AThread.Notification in OnDisconnect event handler
    // in order to access visual components. They can add notifications after the list has been
    // unlocked, and before/while TerminateThreads is called
    LThreads := Threads.LockList; try
      for i := 0 to LThreads.Count - 1 do begin
        with TIdPeerThread(LThreads[i]) do begin
    finally Threads.UnlockList; end;
    // Must wait for all threads to terminate, as they access the server and bindings. If this
    // routine is being called from the destructor, this can cause AVs
    // This method is used instead of:
    // -Threads.WaitFor. Since they are being destroyed thread. WaitFor could AV. And Waiting for
    // Handle produces different code for different OSs, and using common code has troubles
    // as the handles are quite different.
    // -Last thread signaling
    // ThreadMgr.TerminateThreads(TerminateWaitTime);

    if not TIdThreadSafeList(Threads).IsCountLessThan(1) then begin
      LTimedOut := True;
      for i := 1 to (TerminateWaitTime div LSleepTime) do begin
        if TIdThreadSafeList(Threads).IsCountLessThan(1) then begin
          LTimedOut := False;
      if LTimedOut then begin      
        raise EIdTerminateThreadTimeout.Create(RSTerminateThreadTimeout);   // <-- hier
Indy-Version: 9
...die Prozedur TerminateAllThreads in der Unit TIdTCPServer zu der Indy-TCPServer-Komponente dazu gehört? Sorry
Deswegen habe ich nicht wirklich Einfluss darauf.
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