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Registriert seit: 6. Okt 2005
Ort: Niederlande
215 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: KillDuplicates gibt Fehler mit CoolTrayIcon?

  Alt 30. Nov 2005, 12:35
So marabu, habe deine Function ausprobiert aber nog immer Listindex out of Bounds(2).
    sl.LoadFromFile(label2.caption + '\torrents.db');
    //anzahl lesen
    KillDuplicatesEx(sl, 2);
    for i := 0 to Pred(sl.Count) do <------ out of bounds(2)
      FieldList.CommaText := sl[i];
      with ListView.Items.Add do
        Caption := FieldList[0];
So sieht die torrents.db vor dem laden aus.
2005-11-30,"Muziek - Album","Rene Froger - Pure Christmas (2005)","102.91 MB","7 seeders and 20 leechers","172.12 kB/s",http://www.liquidtorrent.org/details.php?id=8607&hit=1,"http://www.liquidtorrent.org/download.php/8607/Rene Froger - Pure Christmas.torrent" ////Doppelt muesste also raus////

2005-11-30,"Muziek - Album","Rene Froger - Pure Christmas (2005)","102.91 MB","7 seeders and 20 leechers","172.12 kB/s",http://www.liquidtorrent.org/details.php?id=8607&hit=1,"http://www.liquidtorrent.org/download.php/8607/Rene Froger - Pure Christmas.torrent"

2005-11-30,"Apps - PC","Driver Genius Professional Edition 2005, Version:6.0.1882","5.66 MB","22 seeders and no leecher","22.43 kB/s",http://www.liquidtorrent.org/details.php?id=8606&hit=1,"http://www.liquidtorrent.org/download.php/8606/Driver Genius Professional Edition 2005.rar.torrent"

2005-11-30,"Films - DVDr","End of Days","4.51 GB","no seeders and 11 leechers","51.91 kB/s",http://www.liquidtorrent.org/details.php?id=8605&hit=1,"http://www.liquidtorrent.org/download.php/8605/end of days.torrent"
Ich wuesste nicht was ich noch alles probieren muesste?

MFG, Lucius.
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