Thema: Delphi Galgenmännchen

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Registriert seit: 1. Dez 2005
34 Beiträge

Re: Galgenmännchen

  Alt 3. Dez 2005, 10:33
procedure TForm1.Spieler1(Sender: TObject);
 (RBP1.Checked = true) and (lblString1.Caption = A) and (lblString2.Caption = B) and (lblString3.Caption = C) and (lblString4.Caption = D) and (lblString5.Caption = E) and (lblString6.Caption = F) and (lblString7.Caption = G) and (lblString8.Caption = H) and (lblString9.Caption = I) and (lblString10.Caption = J) and (lblString11.Caption = K) and (lblString12.Caption = L)
 Application.MessageBox('Spieler 1 hat gewonnen!','Gewinner');

 (Antwort = A) or (Antwort = B) or (Antwort = C) or (Antwort = D) or (Antwort = E) or (Antwort = F) or (Antwort = G) or (Antwort = H) or (Antwort = I) or (Antwort = J) or (Antwort = K) or (Antwort = L)
 RBP1.Checked := false;
 RBP2.Checked := true;
 Application.MessageBox('Leider ist dieser Buchstabe nicht dabei! Spieler 2 ist an der Reihe!','!!!');
 aa := StrToInt(lblFehler1.Caption);
 aa := aa+1;
 lblFehler1.Caption := IntToStr(aa);

procedure TForm1.Spieler2(Sender: TObject);
 (RBP2.Checked = true) and (lblString1.Caption = A) and (lblString2.Caption = B) and (lblString3.Caption = C) and (lblString4.Caption = D) and (lblString5.Caption = E) and (lblString6.Caption = F) and (lblString7.Caption = G) and (lblString8.Caption = H) and (lblString9.Caption = I) and (lblString10.Caption = J) and (lblString11.Caption = K) and (lblString12.Caption = L)
 Application.MessageBox('Spieler 2 hat gewonnen!','Gewinner');

 (Antwort = A) or (Antwort = B) or (Antwort = C) or (Antwort = D) or (Antwort = E) or (Antwort = F) or (Antwort = G) or (Antwort = H) or (Antwort = I) or (Antwort = J) or (Antwort = K) or (Antwort = L)
 RBP2.Checked := false;
 RBP1.Checked := true;
 Application.MessageBox('Leider ist dieser Buchstabe nicht dabei! Spieler 1 ist an der Reihe!','!!!');
 bb := StrToInt(lblFehler2.Caption);
 bb := bb+1;
 lblFehler2.Caption := IntToStr(bb);


procedure TForm1.PBP2OnPaint(Sender: TObject);

 (lblFehler2.Caption = '0')
   with PBP2.canvas do
    x.x := 5;
    x.y := 65;
    y.x := 65;
    y.y := x.y;
    moveto(x.x, x.y);
    lineto(y.x, y.y);

 (lblFehler2.Caption = '1')
   with PBP2.canvas do
    x.x := 5;
    x.y := 65;
    y.x := 65;
    y.y := x.y;
    xx1.x := 20;
    xx1.y := x.y;
    xx2.x := 20;
    xx2.y := 10;
    moveto(x.x, x.y);
    lineto(y.x, y.y);
    moveto(xx1.x, xx1.y);
    lineto(xx2.x, xx2.y);

procedure TForm1.PBP1OnPaint(Sender: TObject);
 (lblFehler1.Caption = '0')
   with PBP1.canvas do
    x.x := 5;
    x.y := 65;
    y.x := 65;
    y.y := x.y;
    moveto(x.x, x.y);
    lineto(y.x, y.y);

 (lblFehler1.Caption = '1')
   with PBP1.canvas do
    x.x := 5;
    x.y := 65;
    y.x := 65;
    y.y := x.y;
    xx1.x := 20;
    xx1.y := x.y;
    xx2.x := 20;
    xx2.y := 10;
    moveto(x.x, x.y);
    lineto(y.x, y.y);
    moveto(xx1.x, xx1.y);
    lineto(xx2.x, xx2.y);

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