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Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
186 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus


  Alt 29. Jan 2006, 17:27
Myrsloik hat AVISYNTH_C nach Delphi portiert. In der Source sind auch 2 Beispiel-DLLs enthalten. Somit ist es nun auch möglich Filter für AVISynth in Delphi leichter zu coden.

Hier noch mal der original Text zu diesem Port:
Myrsloik: One day I got bored and tried to do a conversion. It failed. Then I continued just to not let the computer win (then they'll think they can win every time) and finished it after figuring out how records are passed.

This should allow you to write filters in delphi and free pascal using the avisynth_c interface. It was tested with delphi 7 and free pascal 2.0 but will probably work in earlier versions of both. A conversion of the invert sample from avisynth_c is also included to show how it's used.
Hier die Download-Links zu der Source:

avisynth_pascal v3

Myrsloik hat noch ein paar Beispiele gecodet. Somit ist es einfacher für Euch avisynth_c in Euer Programm einzubauen.

Wie man AVISYNTH_C in Delphi benützt:
uses avisynth_c

var avsval:AVS_Value;
  if OpenDialog1.Execute then
    //call avisouce with the selected filename

    //check for errors, only AVS_Values containing clips need to be freed
    //which it won't here if it's an error
    if avs_is_error(avsval) then
      raise EAviSynthCException.Create(avs_as_error(avsval));

    //get a clip from the AVS_Value

    //release the AVS_Value since it contained a clip, releasing an AVS_Value
    //without a clip does nothing

    //get video information and adjust window


    with Image1.Picture.Bitmap do

      if avs_is_rgb32(vi) then
      else if avs_is_rgb24(vi) then

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