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Registriert seit: 27. Feb 2006
7 Beiträge

Re: Info Screensaver

  Alt 28. Feb 2006, 09:33
hi Sixfold,

eben hab ich mir den SCR gesaugt und toll war er.

und da WinAmp gerade lief, hab ich das auch gleich mal auf den neuesten Stand gebracht: Version 5.2 (23.02.2006) (von einer 5.1.3 ubdated).

und prompt tut's der SCR nicht mehr, wenn WinAmp läuft:

Application Error

Exception EInvalidOperation in Module IMFOSC~1.SCR at 005F3C1.
Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide.

soweit ich weiß haben die aus Sicherheitsgründen kräftig an ihrem Playlist-Handling geschraubt. womöglich hat's damit zu tun, k.a.

achja: Gegenprobe hab'sch gemacht: WinAmp aus -> SCR funzt. (Minimieren dagegen hat nicht gereicht, gleicher Fehler.)

Gruß vom Jens

das Chagelog von Nullsoft (5.1.3->5.2):

Winamp 5.2
* New: [ml_pmp] Synchronize your Media Library with your portable media player
Compatible with iPod, Creative, and Microsoft Plays For Sure devices
* New: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus High Bitrate encoder available in Winamp Pro
* New: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus (HE-AAC) in MP4 container
* New: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies LC-AAC encoder
* New: [gen_ml] icons in treeview
* New: [ml_online] Dynamic AJAX Internet Media Hub
* New: [in_nsv] Using Coding Technologies AAC playback within NSV container
* New: [in_mp3] gapless MP3 playback
* New: [installer] multi-user profile options
* New: [installer] remembers your previous installer settings
* New: [in_wave] in_wave 3.0
* New: right-to-left playlist display
* Improved: new ATF functions and tags, including:
$repeat(x, count) - creates a string with x repeated count times
$lpad() - same as $pad, but adds padding to the left
$decode(...) - switch/case function. example: $decode($fileext(%filename%),MP3,MPEG-1 Layer 3,MP4,MPEG-4 Container,Other)
$IfStrEqual(string1,string2,result) - if string1 and string2 are equal, displays result. case insensitive
$IfStrEqual2(string1,string2,result,else) - if string1 and string2 are equal, displays result, otherwise displays else. case insensitive
%folder% - top level folder name of the file
* Improved: Stereo beat visualization for modern skins
* Improved: [gen_ff] new vis modes available to skinners
* Improved: [gen_ml] CD drive info view (Rip & Burn)
* Improved: [gen_tray] gen_tray v1.0 (thanks DrO)
* Improved: [in_midi] provides metadata to media library
* Improved: [in_mod] provides metadata to media library
* Improved: [in_mp3] unicode id3 tags
* Improved: [in_mp3] preliminary id3v2.4 support
* Fixed: broken playlist sorting
* Fixed: playlist problems with multi-line tags (e.g. %comment%)
* Fixed: shuffle with only one song in playlist
* Fixed: ghost seek slider appears if Winamp loses focus during seeking
* Fixed: video options from video window right-click context menu
* Fixed: playlist winshade international character support
* Fixed: fullscreen video display international character support
* Fixed: m3u playlist handling security vulnerability (thanks to NSFOCUS and Information Risk Management Plc)
* Fixed: [enc_lame] bit reservoir
* Fixed: [enc_lame] cutoff of last frame
* Fixed: [gen_ff] regions on components don't work
* Fixed: [gen_ff] playlist & video focus bug
* Fixed: [gen_ff] playlist winshade memory leak
* Fixed: [gen_ff] GDI Object leak with Current Skin prefs page
* Fixed: [in_midi] not following winamp's title formatting options
* Fixed: [in_midi] reset button blocks further access to config
* Fixed: [in_mod] not following winamp's title formatting options
* Fixed: [in_mp3] incorrect version identification (showed 5.18 in 5.12)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] incorrect information shown for AAC+ files
* Fixed: [in_mp3] reading incorrect id3 comment tag
* Fixed: [in_mp3] sometimes failing to read last id3 frame
* Fixed: [in_mp3] id3v2 album art loss when editing tags
* Fixed: [in_mp4] loss of album art when modifying metadata
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] not following winamp's title formatting options
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] registry usage (now multi-user profile safe)
* Fixed: [in_wave] 32bit floating point WAV playback distortion
* Fixed: [in_wm] changes made with Attribute Editor not updating in ML/Playlist
* Fixed: [vis_milk] missing files from distro (you can stop bugging us now, Rovastar
* Fixed: [vis_milk] 100% cpu usage when paused
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] DrO's Jump To File Extension 0.97
* Updated: [enc_lame] LAME 3.97b2
* Updated: [gen_ff] libpng 1.2.8
* Updated: [gen_ff] FreeType 2.1.10
* Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus encoder v7.2.0a
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