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Registriert seit: 6. Mai 2005
Ort: Berlin
4.956 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: Create Binary Tree From Preorder input

  Alt 22. Apr 2006, 09:01

Try something like this:
Divide the list into two halves. The mid element is your root.
Now do a recursive call to create a tree out of the left sub list and return the root as the left child of the above mentioned root. Do the same with the right sub list.

Procedure CreateTree (aList : TList; aLeft, aRight : Integer; Var aRoot : TNode);
  If aLeft >= aRight Then
     aRoot := aList [aLeft]
  Else Begin
     m := (aLeft + aRight) div 2;
     aRoot := aList [m];
     if m > aLeft Then CreateTree (aList, aLeft, m - 1, aRoot.Left); // Not sure about this, you might have to test
     if m < aRight Then CreateTree (aList, m + 1, aRight, aRoot.Right);// -"-
One question: Why do you use something antique like a binary tree? Use Skiplists or Hashmaps for fast retrieval of keyed data, they are much much faster.
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