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Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: Create Binary Tree From Preorder input

  Alt 22. Apr 2006, 18:42
The mentioned algorithm constructs a perfectly balanced tree out of *any* list, no matter how it is sorted.
If the list is sorted in ascending order, the resulting tree is exactly what you expect: The left part is always smaller than the root, the right side is larger.

Now, if the list is sorted in descending order, but you want to remain the left-right order, you have to reverse the 'left' and 'right' parts of the algorithm. Here's how it would look like to create a binary tree from a list in reverse order (e.g.: (5,4,3,2,1):

procedure TBinTree.CreateDescending (aList :TField; aLeft, aRight : Integer; Var aRoot : TBinTree);

  if aLeft>=aRight then
  else begin
     m:=(aLeft+aRight) div 2;
     aRoot:=TBinTree.Create(aList [m],nil,nil);
     if m > aLeft Then CreateDescending (aList, aLeft, m-1, aRoot.Right);
     if m < aRight Then CreateDeseinding(aList, m+1, aRight, aRoot.Left);
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