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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2005
193 Beiträge

Re: Speicherbereich einer Anwendung ermitteln

  Alt 27. Apr 2006, 01:30
Zitat von bundy:
Ja das denke ich auch, das er ne andere EXE Version verwändet.
gut möglich, also solltest du per version der exe (oder anhand der dateigrösse oder prüfsumme)
die entsprechenden speicheradressen einpflegen.
andererseits ist es auch möglich dass die speicheradressen durch verschiedene windows-dll's bei der heap-verwaltung andere adressen zurückliefern, dann kannst du nur nach signifikanten byteketten in bestimmten speicherbereichen suchen.

als beispiel kann ich dir mal nen trainer posten, den ich für pokemon auf dem vba geschrieben habe

program pokerubyhack;

type pcardinal = ^cardinal;
function EnumCb(hnd: hwnd; lParam: cardinal):BOOLEAN; stdcall;
const bufsize = 256;
var strResult: string;
   //lastHnd := cardinal(hnd);
   //if strResult[1] <> #0 then asm int 3 end;
   if copy(strResult,1,16) = 'VisualBoyAdvancethen begin
     pcardinal(lParam)^ := hnd;
     result := false
   else result := true;

function findwnd:hwnd;
var lparam: cardinal;
  result := 0;
  lParam := cardinal( @result );

procedure haltp(c:integer;s:string);
   writeln(s+#13#10'press any key to continue');readln;

  ppokestat = ^pokestat;
  pokestat = packed record

const START_OFFSET = $1560000;
      DIST2REC = 6;
      pokedef : array[1..7]of string[3] =('CHP','AHP','ATT','DEF','INI','SPA','SPD');
var hnd: hwnd;
    pid : dword;
    dwread: dword;
    hp : thandle;
    s: string;
    p, buf, pend,pokedata: pointer;
    pokeptr: pointer;
    j: integer;
    c,d: char;
    newstat: pokestat;
    pm: pword;
    nv: word;

procedure hackStats(pokeNum:byte);
var dwWritten : dword;
   writeln(#13#10'trying to patch pokemon #'+ inttostr(pokenum));
   writeprocessmemory(hp,pointer(cardinal(pokedata)+DIST2REC+((pokenum -1) * $64 )),@newstat,sizeof(pokestat),dwWritten);
   if dwWritten > 0 then
     writeln(format(#13#10'successful: %d bytes written',[dwWritten]))
     writeln(#13#10'an error occured');


  writeln('retnygs pokemon trainer for visual boy advance v 1.0');
  writeln('tested with 2006 pokemon ruby 1.2 and VBA Link 1.7.3L'#13#10'supported cmd line parameters: number of pokemon to patch [1-6]'#13#10'patch is temporary and will be removed on next level up.'#13#10#13#10);

  hnd := findwnd;
  if (Hnd <> 0) then begin
    GetWindowThreadProcessId(hnd,@pid); //Get ProcessID and ignore ThreadID
    if (hp = 0) or (pid = 0) then haltp(1,'could not find hacker process');
    cardinal(p):=START_OFFSET; // weise startadresse des zu suchenden speicherbereiches zu
    pokedata := nil;
    if dwread > 0 then begin
       //writeln('could read something'#13#10);
       cardinal(pend) := cardinal(buf) +dwread;
       while cardinal(buf) < cardinal(pend)-$64-(DIST2REC-1) do begin
          // durchsuche speicher nach gewisser bytefolge die typisch ist
          if (pcardinal(buf)^ = $0) and (pbyte(cardinal(buf)+(DIST2REC-1))^ = $FF) and (pcardinal(cardinal(buf)+$64)^ = $0) and (pbyte(cardinal(buf)+$64+(DIST2REC-1))^ = $FF) then
            cardinal(pokeptr):= cardinal(buf);
            cardinal(pokedata) := START_OFFSET + cardinal(buf) - cardinal(@s[1]);
            writeln('pokemon list found at adress: ' + inttohex(cardinal(pokedata),8));
       if pokedata <> nil then begin
          writeln('pokemon #: CHP AHP ATT DEF INI SPA SPD');
          for j := 1 to 6 do begin
            writeln('pokemon '+inttostr(j)+':'+
            format(' %.3d %.3d %.3d %.3d %.3d %.3d %.3d',
            ]) );

          with ppokestat(@newstat)^ do begin
          if paramcount > 0 then c := paramstr(1)[1] else begin
            writeln(#13#10'please enter a pokemon number [1-6] that you want to boost or [0] to abort, [A] for all');
          case c of
            '1'..'6' :
            if paramcount > 0 then hackstats(byte(c)-48)
            else begin
              writeln ('Automatic hack will set all values to 999'#13#10'manual hack will allow you to enter the values yourself'#13#10'type A for automatic or M for manual');
              if d in ['a','A'] then hackstats(byte(c)-48)
              else if d in ['m','M'] then begin
                 newstat := ppokestat(cardinal(pokeptr)+DIST2REC+(((byte(c)-48)-1)*$64))^;
                 for j := 1 to 7 do begin
                   write('enter new value for ' + pokedef[j] + ', current: ' + inttostr(pm^) + ' :');
                   pm^ := nv;
              end else writeln('wrong input');
            '0' : writeln('aborted');
            'A','a' : for j := 1 to 6 do hackstats(j);
            else haltp(1,'error - undefined input');
    end else writeln('couldnt read from target process');
  end else haltp(1,'could not find VBA window');

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