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Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
186 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: MessageDLG mit eigener Überschrift, Wie?

  Alt 10. Mai 2006, 10:15
Hab auch was gefunden:


    STR Msg, // address of text in message box
    STR Caption, // address of title of message box
    BOOL Silent // determine muted sound
    INT uType // style of message box

    STR Msg, // address of text in message box
    STR Caption, // address of title of message box
    TPIC MsgPic // address of icon to show in the message box
    TIMGLST GlyphList // address of imagelist to representing button glyphs
    TPOS Position // position of message box
    STR Buttons // adress of ButtonCaptions
    STR Sound // adress of sound to play when opening the message box
    BOOL StayOnTop // formstyle of message box
    BOOL SetForeGround // determine if message box becomes the foreground
    TCOLOR Color // set the color of the message box
    BYTE DefaultButton // sets the default button in the message box
Example on how to display a message box with red fonts in message,
yesnobuttons, yesbutton's caption = 'Yeah', display a questionicon,
and default button is 2:

 Var ReturnValue : Integer;

 Procedure Sample1;
   mb_BtnYes := '&Yeah';
   mb_MsgFont := Tfont.Create;
   mb_MsgFont.Color := clRed;
   ReturnValue := MsgBox( 'This is the red message', '', False,

Example on how to display a simple message box asking for a value
from 1 to 10 represented by buttons 1 to 10, playing the soundfile
"c:\woww.wav", where default button is 5:

 Var ReturnValue : Integer;

 Procedure sample2;
   ReturnValue := MsgBoxEX('Select a value from 1 to 10', '', nil, nil,
   poOwnerFormCenter, '1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10', 'c:\woww.wav', False, False,
   clBtnFace, 5);
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: zip msgbox__and_statusbox_736.zip (27,3 KB, 20x aufgerufen)
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