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Registriert seit: 30. Mär 2006
37 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: text mit undelphix anzeigen

  Alt 28. Jun 2006, 20:46

You can use drawing throught Surface.Canvas.TextOut like in prototype demo in undelphix 1.07a

  { Draw FrameRate }
  with DXDraw.Surface.Canvas do
      Brush.Style := bsClear;
      Font.Color := clWhite;
      Font.Size := 10;
      Textout(3, 3, 'FPS: '+inttostr(DXTimer.FrameRate));
      if doHardware in DXDraw.NowOptions then begin
        Textout(3, 14, 'Device: Hardware');
        Textout(3, DXDraw.Height-16-14, 'Change device mode to software press SPACE.')
      else begin
        Textout(3, 14, 'Device: Software');
        Textout(3, DXDraw.Height-16-14, 'Change device mode to hardware press SPACE.')
      if doFullScreen in DXDraw.NowOptions then
        TextOut(3,DXDraw.Height-16,'For windowed mode press ALT+Enter.')
        TextOut(3,DXDraw.Height-16,'For fullscreen press ALT+Enter.');
      Release; {  Indispensability  }

or you can create bitmap, drawing throught its canvas your text, put into DIB or DXImageList and and rendering it directly from this...
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