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92 Beiträge

Re: Indy 10 - Progressbar arbeitet nicht mehr mit OnWork

  Alt 28. Jul 2006, 08:50
Hat jmd zufällig ein Tool zum Vergleichen von 2 Source Codes =P
procedure TIdFTP.InternalPut(const ACommand: string; ASource: TIdStream; AFromBeginning: Boolean = true);
  LIP: string;
  LPort: Integer;
  LPasvCl : TIdTCPClient;
  LPortSv : TIdSimpleServer;

  FAbortFlag.Value := False;
  //for SSL FXP, we have to do it here because there is no command were a client
  //submits data through a data port where the SSCN setting is ignored.
  DoStatus(ftpTransfer, [RSFTPStatusStartTransfer]);
    if FPassive then begin
      if FUsingExtDataPort then begin
        SendEPassive(LIP, LPort);
      end else begin
        SendPassive(LIP, LPort);
      FDataChannel := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil);
      LPasvCl := TIdTCPClient(FDataChannel);
        LPasvCl.Host := LIP;
        LPasvCl.Port := LPort;
        if Assigned(FOnDataChannelCreate) then begin
          Self.GetResponse([110, 125, 150]);
            if FUsingSFTP and (FDataPortProtection = ftpdpsPrivate) then begin
               TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(FDataChannel.IOHandler).Passthrough := False;
            if FCurrentTransferMode<>dmDeflate then begin
              if AFromBeginning then begin
                FDataChannel.IOHandler.Write(ASource,0, false); // from beginning
              end else begin
                FDataChannel.IOHandler.Write(ASource,-1, false); // from current position
            end else begin
              FCompressor.CompressFTPToIO(ASource,FDataChannel.IOHandler,FZLibCompressionLevel,FZLibWindowBits,FZLibMemLevel, FZLibStratagy);
            on E: EIdSocketError do
              // If 10038 - abort was called. Server will return 225
              if E.LastError <> 10038 then begin
    end else begin
      FDataChannel := TIdSimpleServer.Create(nil);
      LPortSv := TIdSimpleServer(FDataChannel);

        LPortSv.BoundIP := (Self.IOHandler as TIdIOHandlerSocket).Binding.IP;
        LPortSv.BoundPort := FDataPort;
        LPortSv.BoundPortMin := FDataPortMin;
        LPortSv.BoundPortMax := FDataPortMax;

        if Assigned(FOnDataChannelCreate) then begin
          OnDataChannelCreate(Self, FDataChannel);

        if FUsingExtDataPort then begin
        end else begin
        Self.SendCmd(ACommand, [125, 150]);

        if FUsingSFTP and (FDataPortProtection = ftpdpsPrivate) then begin
          TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(FDataChannel.IOHandler).PassThrough := False;

        if FCurrentTransferMode<>dmDeflate then begin
          if AFromBeginning then begin
            FDataChannel.IOHandler.Write(ASource,0, false); // from beginning
          end else begin
            FDataChannel.IOHandler.Write(ASource,-1, false); // from current position
        end else begin
          FCompressor.CompressFTPToIO(ASource,FDataChannel.IOHandler,FZLibCompressionLevel,FZLibWindowBits,FZLibMemLevel, FZLibStratagy);
    //Note that you are likely to get an exception you abort a transfer
    //hopefully, this will make things work better.
    on E: EIdConnClosedGracefully do
      if not (E is EIdConnClosedGracefully) then

{ commented out because we might need to revert back to this
  if new code fails.
  if (LResponse = 426) or (LResponse = 450) then
    // some servers respond with 226 on ABOR
    GetResponse([226, 225]);
    DoStatus(ftpAborted, [RSFTPStatusAbortTransfer]);

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