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Re: Installation DSPack unter Delphi 2006

  Alt 2. Okt 2006, 13:16
Das ist alles was da steht.

  PDirectDrawSurface = Pointer;
  PDirectDrawSurface = IDirectDrawSurface;

* Used to pass override information to the DIRECTDRAWSURFACE callback Blt.

  _DDBLTFX = packed record
    dwSize : DWORD; // size of structure
    dwDDFX : DWORD; // FX operations
    dwROP : DWORD; // Win32 raster operations
    dwDDROP : DWORD; // Raster operations new for DirectDraw
    dwRotationAngle : DWORD; // Rotation angle for blt
    dwZBufferOpCode : DWORD; // ZBuffer compares
    dwZBufferLow : DWORD; // Low limit of Z buffer
    dwZBufferHigh : DWORD; // High limit of Z buffer
    dwZBufferBaseDest : DWORD; // Destination base value
    dwZDestConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for destination
    case Integer of
    0: (
      dwZDestConst : DWORD // Constant to use as Z buffer for dest
    1: (
      lpDDSZBufferDest : PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Z buffer for dest
      dwZSrcConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for source
      case integer of
      0: (
        dwZSrcConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Z buffer for src
      1: (
        lpDDSZBufferSrc : PDirectDrawSurface; // Surface to use as Z buffer for src
        dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify constant for alpha edge blend
        dwAlphaEdgeBlend : DWORD; // Alpha for edge blending
        dwReserved : DWORD;
        dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth : DWORD; // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for destination
        case integer of
        0: (
          dwAlphaDestConst : DWORD; // Constant to use as Alpha Channel
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