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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2005
271 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: Digilabel Komponente mit coolem Effekt

  Alt 10. Okt 2006, 10:34
Mensch Glätten war genau das richtige.
Dazu habe ich folgende Codes gefunden:

// bezogen auf mein Projekt....
// Pixel --> funzt, aber sehr langsam
var x, y: integer;
  r, b, g: byte;
  with Digilabel.canvas do
    for x:=1 to Digilabel.Width-1 do
      for Y:=1 to Digilabel.height-1 do
          GetRValue(Pixels[x,y])) div 9;
          GetGValue(Pixels[x,y])) div 9;
          GetBValue(Pixels[x,y])) DIV 9;

// Scanline --> soll laut "Hersteller" sehr schnell sein, funzt aber leider nicht

  TRGBTripleArray = array[0..32768] of TRGBTriple;
  // 32768 = maximale Anzahl der Pixel in der Breite eines Bildes (also eine "ScanLine")
  pRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray; // Pointer auf TRGBTripleArray

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);

  procedure Antialiasing(const DC: TCanvas; const Rectangle: TRect);
    cx, cy: Smallint;
    r, g, b: Byte;
    Row1: pRGBTripleArray;
    Row2: pRGBTripleArray;
    Row3: pRGBTripleArray;
    TEMP: TBitmap;
    CurRect: TRect;
    TEMP := TBitmap.Create;
      with TEMP do begin
        Width := Rectangle.Right - Rectangle.Left;
        Height := Rectangle.Bottom - Rectangle.Top;
        CurRect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
        PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
        Canvas.CopyRect(CurRect, DC, Rectangle);
        with Canvas do begin
          for cy := 1 to (Height - 2) do begin
            Row1 := ScanLine[cy - 1];
            Row2 := ScanLine[cy];
            Row3 := ScanLine[cy + 1];

            for cx := 1 to (Width - 2) do begin
              r := (Row1[cx - 1].rgbtRed+Row1[cx].rgbtRed+
              Row1[cx + 1].rgbtRed+
              Row2[cx - 1].rgbtRed+
              Row2[cx + 1].rgbtRed+
              Row2[cx - 1].rgbtRed+
              Row3[cx + 1].rgbtRed+
              Row3[cx].rgbtRed) div 9;

              g := (Row1[cx - 1].rgbtGreen+
              Row1[cx + 1].rgbtGreen+
              Row2[cx - 1].rgbtGreen+
              Row2[cx + 1].rgbtGreen+
              Row2[cx - 1].rgbtGreen+
              Row3[cx + 1].rgbtGreen+
              Row3[cx].rgbtGreen) div 9;

              b := (Row1[cx - 1].rgbtBlue+
              Row1[cx + 1].rgbtBlue+
              Row2[cx - 1].rgbtBlue+
              Row2[cx + 1].rgbtBlue+
              Row2[cx - 1].rgbtBlue+
              Row3[cx + 1].rgbtBlue+
              Row3[cx].rgbtBlue) div 9;
              Row2[cx].rgbtBlue := b;
              Row2[cx].rgbtGreen := g;
              Row2[cx].rgbtRed := r;
        DC.CopyRect(Rectangle, Canvas, CurRect);

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