Thema: Delphi strToIntDEF???

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Registriert seit: 6. Mai 2005
Ort: Berlin
4.956 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: strToIntDEF???

  Alt 30. Nov 2006, 15:33
Zitat von Die Delphi-Hilfe (StrToIntDef):
StrToIntDef converts the string S, which represents an integer-type number in either decimal or hexadecimal notation, into a number. If S does not represent a valid number, StrToIntDef returns the number passed in Default.
Zitat von Die Delphi-Hilfe (StrToInt):
StrToInt converts the string S, which represents an integer-type number in either decimal or hexadecimal notation, into a number. If S does not represent a valid number, StrToInt raises an EConvertError exception.
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