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Delphi 4 Client/Server

Re: out of system resources bei erzeugen und löschen von pa

  Alt 9. Apr 2007, 16:46
hallo, es wir beim erstenmal bei dem start des emus erzeugt und verwendet.

due updates werden danach ausgeführt.

start :
procedure CreateDIBSurf(oNewHPalette:TMyLogPalette; aW, aH: Word);
var lp1 : integer;
  DIBbits := nil;
  DIBhandle := 0;
  OLDPalette := 0;
  DIBhpalette := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@oNewHPalette)^);
  DIBDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
  if palset <> 0 then OLDPalette:= SelectPalette(DIBDC, DIBhpalette, true);
  with DIBheader do begin
    with bmiHeader do begin
      biSize := sizeof(TGDIBitMapInfoHeader);
      biWidth := aW;
      biHeight := aH;
      biPlanes := 1;
      biBitCount := 8;
      biCompression := BI_RGB;
      biSizeImage := 0;
      biXPelsPerMeter := 0;
      biYPelsPerMeter := 0;
      biClrUsed := 0;
      biClrImportant := 0;
    for lp1:=0 to 255 do BMIcolors[lp1] := (lp1+0) and 255; { pal_indices }

  DIBWidth := aW;
  DIBHeight := aH;
  DIBWidth_b := ((DIBWidth+3) shr 2) shl 2;
  DIBSize := DIBWidth_b*DIBHeight;
  DIBWidth := ((DIBWidth+3) shr 2) shl 2;

  if OLDHandle<>0 then SelectObject(DIBDC, OLDHandle);
  if DIBhandle<>0 then DeleteObject(DIBhandle);

  DIBheader.BMIheader.biWidth := DIBWidth;
  DIBheader.BMIheader.biHeight :=-DIBHeight; { Top down for me please...}
  { the minus sign may or may not be necessary on your machine - I'm not sure }
  { without it - the DIB is bottom up - See old WinG documentation            }
  DIBhandle := CreateDIBSection(DIBDC,pBitmapInfo(@DIBheader)^,DIB_PAL_COLORS,DIBbits,0,0);
  OLDHandle := SelectObject(DIBDC,DIBhandle);

  fillchar(dirty_line,1024,0); // zerro draw all lines !!!
  dirty_lines_on:=0; // = 1 it will bee use dirty lines


und am ende

procedure DestroyDIBSurf;
  if OLDHandle<>0 then SelectObject(DIBDC, OLDHandle);
  if DIBhandle<>0 then DeleteObject(DIBhandle);

  if DIBhpalette<>0 then SelectPalette(DIBDC,DIBhpalette,false);
  if DIBhpalette<>0 then DeleteObject(DIBhpalette);

wechsel der palette
procedure update_pal;
    if pal_changed = 1

            initpal(pal_entrys); // hier werden nur neu werte ugewiesen
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