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Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2003
Ort: Bockwen
12.235 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Professional

Re: relativen -> absoluten Pfad (als Text) erzeugen

  Alt 19. Apr 2007, 13:42
ich hab mir dafür mal folgende Funktion geschrieben:
function RelToAbsPath(ACurPath, ARelPath: String): String;
  lCount : Integer;
  lParts : TStringList;
  lStr : String;
  ARelPath := StringReplace(ARelPath, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]);
  ACurPath := StringReplace(ACurPath, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]);
  lParts := TStringList.Create();

  if (copy(ARelPath, 1, 2) = '.\') or (copy(ARelPath, 1, 3) = '..\') then
    if (copy(ACurPath, Length(ACurPath), 1) = '\') then
      ARelPath := ACurPath + ARelPath
      ARelPath := ACurPath + '\' + ARelPath;

  lCopiedto := 0;
  for lCount := 1 to Length(ARelPath) - 1 do
    if (ARelPath[lCount] = '\') then
      lStr := copy(ARelPath, lCopiedto + 1, lCount - lCopiedTo - 1);
      if (lStr <> '') then
      lCopiedTo := lCount;
  lStr := copy(ARelPath, lCopiedTo + 1, Length(ARelPath));
  if (lStr <> '') then

  lCount := 0;
  while (lCount < lParts.Count) do
    if (lParts.Strings[lCount] = '.') then
    else if (lParts.Strings[lCount] = '..') then
      if (lCount > 1) then
        lParts.Delete(lCount - 1);

  lStr := '';
  for lCount := 0 to lParts.Count - 2 do
    lStr := lStr + lParts.Strings[lCount] + '\';
  if (lParts.Count > 0) then
    lStr := lStr + lParts.Strings[lParts.Count - 1];


  result := lStr;
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