Thema: Delphi Minimize on close?

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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
27.542 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Minimize on close?

  Alt 5. Aug 2007, 13:43
Do you want to minimize or to hide your form? Here' s an example for hiding:
procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
  if CheckBox1.Checked then
      Action := caNone;
But beware that your form is not visible anymore so that the user cannot close it anytime. For this be sure to give him the possibility to reach your application (e.g. by a hotkey or an icon in the TNA).
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