Thema: Delphi Gigabyte dll functions

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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 11. Aug 2007, 17:41
Ok i am really sorry to Meutze1 you and many others!Wont happen again!

As i said i do not know ASM i will just post the code,cant understand it.
I load this in to IDA (Dissassembler)

But i am sure somebody will understand it...

For LX_Get_CPUFanCount function

public LX_Get_CPUFanCount
LX_Get_CPUFanCount proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 1
call W_Get_FanCount
retn 4
LX_Get_CPUFanCount endp
For LX_IsGigaMainBoard function

; Exported entry 14. LX_IsGigaMainBoard

public LX_IsGigaMainBoard
LX_IsGigaMainBoard proc near
mov eax, dword_1000D674
dec eax
neg eax
sbb eax, eax
LX_IsGigaMainBoard endp
For LX_IsQDIMainBoard function

; Exported entry 15. LX_IsMSIMainBoard
; Exported entry 16. LX_IsQDIMainBoard

public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp

For LX_IsMSIMainBoard function

; Exported entry 15. LX_IsMSIMainBoard
; Exported entry 16. LX_IsQDIMainBoard

public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp
For LX_Get_CPUFanCount function

; Exported entry 5. LX_Get_CPUFanCount

public LX_Get_CPUFanCount
LX_Get_CPUFanCount proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 1
call W_Get_FanCount
retn 4
LX_Get_CPUFanCount endp

For LX_Get_SystemFanValue function

; Exported entry 9. LX_Get_SystemFanValue

public LX_Get_SystemFanValue
LX_Get_SystemFanValue proc near

var_4= dword ptr -4
arg_0= dword ptr 4

push ecx
cmp dword_1000D680, 1
jnz short loc_100038DA
For LX_Get_PowerFanValue function

; Exported entry 8. LX_Get_PowerFanValue

public LX_Get_PowerFanValue
LX_Get_PowerFanValue proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

cmp dword_1000D680, 1
jnz short loc_10003938
For LX_Get_VoltageP12Value function

; Exported entry 11. LX_Get_VoltageP12Value

public LX_Get_VoltageP12Value
LX_Get_VoltageP12Value proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 4
call W_Get_VINValue
retn 4
LX_Get_VoltageP12Value endp

For LX_Get_VoltageP5Value function

; Exported entry 13. LX_Get_VoltageP5Value

public LX_Get_VoltageP5Value
LX_Get_VoltageP5Value proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 3
call W_Get_VINValue
retn 4
LX_Get_VoltageP5Value endp

For LX_Get_VoltageP3Value function

; Exported entry 12. LX_Get_VoltageP33Value

public LX_Get_VoltageP33Value
LX_Get_VoltageP33Value proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, dword_1000D680
push esi
cmp eax, 1
jnz short loc_100039A8

For LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus function

; Exported entry 7. LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus

public LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus
LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4

mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
push eax
push 10h
call W_Get_Status
retn 4
LX_Get_CaseOpenStatus endp

For W_Get_FanLoLimit function

; Exported entry 28. W_Get_FanLoLimit

public W_Get_FanLoLimit
W_Get_FanLoLimit proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4
arg_4= dword ptr 8

xor eax, eax
mov ax, word_1000D894
cmp eax, 290h
jg short loc_10002C0E

For W_Set_FanLoLimitValue function

; Exported entry 57. W_Set_FanLoLimitValue

public W_Set_FanLoLimitValue
W_Set_FanLoLimitValue proc near

arg_0= dword ptr 4
arg_4= dword ptr 8

xor eax, eax
mov ax, word_1000D894
cmp eax, 130h
jg short loc_10002E18
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