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Benutzerbild von FriFra

Registriert seit: 19. Apr 2003
1.291 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Benutzer-Mailadresse aus Netscape- bz. Opera-Mail

  Alt 2. Okt 2003, 10:46
Also Opera ist gelöst ... jetzt fehlt noch Netscape!

Es kann ja mal ein Opera-Mail User den folgendenn Code Testen:
  function GetOperaMail(DisplayName: boolean): string;
    function GetOperaDir: string;
      RDI: TRegistry;
      Suf: string;
      n: integer;
      RDI := TRegistry.Create;
        RDI.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
        RDI.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Opera Software', False);
        for n := -1 to 10 do
          if n = -1 then
            Suf := ''
            Suf := IntToStr(n);
          if RDI.ValueExists('Last Directory' + Suf) then
            Result := RDI.ReadString('Last Directory' + Suf);
            if copy(Result, Length(Result), 1) <> '\then
              Result := Result + '\';
    function GetAppdataDir: string;
      shellMalloc: IMalloc;
      ppidl: PItemIdList;
      ppidl := nil;
        if SHGetMalloc(shellMalloc) = NOERROR then
          SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Self.Handle, CSIDL_APPDATA, ppidl);
          SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH);
          if not SHGetPathFromIDList(ppidl, PChar(Result)) then
            raise exception.create('SHGetPathFromIDList failed : invalid pidl');
          SetLength(Result, lStrLen(PChar(Result)));
        if ppidl <> nil then
      if copy(Result, Length(Result), 1) <> '\then
        Result := Result + '\';
    function GetAccountsINI(Path: string): string;
      search: TSearchRec;
      directory, Tmp: string;
      Result := '';
      directory := ExtractFilePath(Path);

      // find all files
      if (pos('opera', LowerCase(Path)) > 0) then
        if (FileExists(Path) = True) then
          Result := Result + ';' + Path;

      // Subdirectories/ Unterverzeichnisse
      if FindFirst(directory + '*.*', faDirectory, search) = 0 then
          if ((search.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and (search.Name[1]
            <> '.') and ((pos('opera', LowerCase(search.Name)) > 0) or
            (pos('opera', LowerCase(directory)) > 0)) then
            Tmp := GetAccountsINI(directory + search.Name + '\' +
            if Tmp <> 'then
              Result := Result + ';' + Tmp;
        until FindNext(search) <> 0;
      if copy(Result, 1, 1) = ';then
        Result := copy(Result, 2, Length(Result));
    INI: TIniFile;
    AccountIni: string;
    AccountsIni: string;
    Accounts: TStringList;
    n: integer;
    Result := '';
    //alte Versionen
    AccountIni := GetAccountsINI(GetOperaDir + 'account.ini') + ';';
    while (pos(';', AccountIni) > 1) do
      INI := TIniFile.Create(copy(AccountIni, 1, pos(';', AccountIni) - 1));
      AccountIni := copy(AccountIni, pos(';', AccountIni) + 1,
        if INI.ReadString('SETTINGS', 'EmailAddress', '') <> 'then
          if (DisplayName = True) and (INI.ReadString('SETTINGS', 'FullName', '')
            <> '') then
            Result := Result + ', ' + INI.ReadString('SETTINGS', 'FullName', '')
              + ' <' + INI.ReadString('SETTINGS', 'EmailAddress', '') + '>'
            Result := Result + ', ' + INI.ReadString('SETTINGS', 'EmailAddress',

    //aktuelle Versionen
    AccountsIni := GetAccountsINI(GetAppdataDir + 'accounts.ini') + ';';
    while (pos(';', AccountsIni) > 1) do
      INI := TIniFile.Create(copy(AccountsIni, 1, pos(';', AccountsIni) - 1));
      AccountsIni := copy(AccountsIni, pos(';', AccountsIni) + 1,
      Accounts := TStringList.Create;
        for n := 0 to Accounts.Count - 1 do
          if (pos('account', LowerCase(Accounts[n])) = 1) and
            (LowerCase(Accounts[n]) <> 'accounts') then
            if INI.ReadString(Accounts[n], 'Email', '') <> 'then
              if (DisplayName = True) and (INI.ReadString(Accounts[n],
                'Real Name', '') <> '') then
                Result := Result + ', ' + INI.ReadString(Accounts[n],
                  'Real Name', '') + ' <' + INI.ReadString(Accounts[n], 'Email',
                  '') + '>'
                Result := Result + ', ' + INI.ReadString(Accounts[n], 'Email',
    if Length(Result) > 0 then
      Result := Trim(copy(Result, 3, Length(Result)));
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