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Ort: Berlin
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Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: Restarting Main Application in TThread Class

  Alt 7. Feb 2008, 21:24
Hi there.

Send a message from the thread to the main app. Let the thread die or not, this is up to you. The only thing what you should to is to let the main app know wether the thread is dead or not. This could be done by setting the 'FreeOnTerminate' property to false.

Ok, here are my ideas:

Procedure TMyThread.Execute;
  While Not Terminated Do Begin
     .... // Most likely you would have something like 'WaitForSingleObject' here to preserve CPU cycles.
     If MainAppMustRestart Then Begin
        PostMessage(MainForm.Handle, WM_RESTARTAPPLICATION,0,0);
        Terminate; // If you want
  TMainForm = Class (TForm)
    Procedure wmRestart (War Msg : TMessage); Message WM_RESTARTAPPLICATION;
Procedure TMainForm.wmRestar (Var Msg : TMessage);
  With MyThread Do Begin
Should'nt cause much problems.

In case you have troubles with threads, consider downloading my workerthread pool and define a 'kill application job', which essentially does the message sending.
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