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Re: Datei aus dem Web öffnen

  Alt 2. Okt 2008, 15:46
ich arbeite mit Delphi 5, da gibt es ja noch nicht gar so viele Internetkomponenten.
Habe jetzt aber dennoch was gefunden, das prima funzt, muss es nur noch verstehen und dann so umschreiben, dass die Datei nicht gespeichert, sondern direkt verarbeitet wird, aber dann bin ich glücklich.

function DownloadFileFromNet(sURL, sDestination: String): Boolean;
  hSocket, hFile: THandle;
  WSData: TWSAData;
  SockAddr: TSockAddr;
  HostEnt: PHostEnt;
  IPAddress, sGet, Location, Site, URL: String;
  i, intReceived, intPosition: Integer;
  lpNumberOfBytesWritten: DWORD;
  lpBuffer: Array[0..1024] of Char;
  szGet = 'GET %s HTTP/1.1' + lpEnter +
         'Host: %s' + lpEnter +
         'Connection: close' + lpEnter + lpEnter;
  Result := False;

  Location := Split(sURL, '://', 2);
  Site := ExtractURLSite(Location);
  URL := ExtractURLPath(Location);

  if FileExists(sDestination) then
  hFile := CreateFile(PChar(sDestination), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, CREATE_NEW, 0, 0);

  WSAStartup($0101, WSData);
  HostEnt := GetHostByName(PChar(Site));
  if HostEnt <> nil then
    for i := 0 to HostEnt^.h_length -1 do
      IPAddress := IPAddress + IntToStr(Ord(HostEnt.h_addr_list^[i])) + '.';
    SetLength(IPAddress, Length(IPAddress) -1);

  SockAddr.sin_family := AF_INET;
  SockAddr.sin_port := htons(80);
  SockAddr.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_addr(PChar(IpAddress));

  if connect(hSocket, SockAddr, sizeof(SockAddr)) = SOCKET_ERROR then

  sGet := Format(szGet, [URL, Site]);
  ZeroMemory(@lpBuffer, sizeof(lpBuffer));
  if send(hSocket, sGet[1], Length(sGet), 0) = SOCKET_ERROR then

    ZeroMemory(@lpBuffer, sizeof(lpBuffer));
    intReceived := recv(hSocket, lpBuffer, sizeof(lpBuffer), 0);
    if (Copy(lpBuffer, 0, 15) = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK') or
       (Copy(lpBuffer, 0, 15) = 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK') then
      intPosition := Pos(lpEnter + lpEnter, lpBuffer) +3;
      WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer[intPosition], intReceived - intPosition, lpNumberOfBytesWritten, nil);
    end else
      WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, intReceived, lpNumberOfBytesWritten, nil);
  until (intReceived = SOCKET_ERROR) or (intReceived = 0);

  Result := True;
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