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Registriert seit: 2. Jan 2003
Ort: Eibau
768 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

Re: MD5 Implementation für Delphi 2009

  Alt 20. Okt 2008, 13:34
Hmmm ... also kann ich dann davon ausgehen, dass zum Beispiel die bei PHP vorhanden md5() Funktion nur auf Basis von Ansistrings arbeitet, da ja dort auch nur der angezeigte Text durch diese Funktion gejagt wird?

Wenn's nur mit Ansistrings funktioniert dann funktioniert die MD5 Funktion von hier(http://forum.vingrad.ru/forum/topic-230076.html):
function md5(s : AnsiString) : AnsiString;
var a : array[0..15] of byte;
    i : integer;
    LenHi, LenLo : longword;
    Index : DWord;
    HashBuffer : array[0..63] of byte;
    CurrentHash : array[0..3] of DWord;

  procedure Burn;
    LenHi := 0;
    LenLo := 0;
    Index := 0;
    FillChar(HashBuffer, Sizeof(HashBuffer), 0);
    FillChar(CurrentHash, Sizeof(CurrentHash), 0);

  procedure Init;
    CurrentHash[0] := $67452301;
    CurrentHash[1] := $efcdab89;
    CurrentHash[2] := $98badcfe;
    CurrentHash[3] := $10325476;

  function LRot32(a, b : longword) : longword;
    Result:= (a shl b) or (a shr (32 - b));

  procedure Compress;
  var Data : array[0..15] of dword;
      A, B, C, D : dword;
    Move(HashBuffer, Data, Sizeof(Data));
    A := CurrentHash[0];
    B := CurrentHash[1];
    C := CurrentHash[2];
    D := CurrentHash[3];
    A := B + LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 0] + $d76aa478,7);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 1] + $e8c7b756,12);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[ 2] + $242070db,17);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[ 3] + $c1bdceee,22);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 4] + $f57c0faf,7);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 5] + $4787c62a,12);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[ 6] + $a8304613,17);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[ 7] + $fd469501,22);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 8] + $698098d8,7);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 9] + $8b44f7af,12);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[10] + $ffff5bb1,17);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[11] + $895cd7be,22);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[12] + $6b901122,7);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[13] + $fd987193,12);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[14] + $a679438e,17);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[15] + $49b40821,22);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (D and (B xor C))) + Data[ 1] + $f61e2562,5);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (C and (A xor B))) + Data[ 6] + $c040b340,9);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (B and (D xor A))) + Data[11] + $265e5a51,14);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (A and (C xor D))) + Data[ 0] + $e9b6c7aa,20);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (D and (B xor C))) + Data[ 5] + $d62f105d,5);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (C and (A xor B))) + Data[10] + $02441453,9);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (B and (D xor A))) + Data[15] + $d8a1e681,14);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (A and (C xor D))) + Data[ 4] + $e7d3fbc8,20);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (D and (B xor C))) + Data[ 9] + $21e1cde6,5);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (C and (A xor B))) + Data[14] + $c33707d6,9);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (B and (D xor A))) + Data[ 3] + $f4d50d87,14);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (A and (C xor D))) + Data[ 8] + $455a14ed,20);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (D and (B xor C))) + Data[13] + $a9e3e905,5);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (C and (A xor B))) + Data[ 2] + $fcefa3f8,9);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (B and (D xor A))) + Data[ 7] + $676f02d9,14);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (A and (C xor D))) + Data[12] + $8d2a4c8a,20);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 5] + $fffa3942,4);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[ 8] + $8771f681,11);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[11] + $6d9d6122,16);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[14] + $fde5380c,23);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 1] + $a4beea44,4);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[ 4] + $4bdecfa9,11);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 7] + $f6bb4b60,16);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[10] + $bebfbc70,23);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[13] + $289b7ec6,4);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[ 0] + $eaa127fa,11);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 3] + $d4ef3085,16);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[ 6] + $04881d05,23);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 9] + $d9d4d039,4);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[12] + $e6db99e5,11);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[15] + $1fa27cf8,16);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[ 2] + $c4ac5665,23);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (B or (not D))) + Data[ 0] + $f4292244,6);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (A or (not C))) + Data[ 7] + $432aff97,10);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (D or (not B))) + Data[14] + $ab9423a7,15);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (C or (not A))) + Data[ 5] + $fc93a039,21);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (B or (not D))) + Data[12] + $655b59c3,6);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (A or (not C))) + Data[ 3] + $8f0ccc92,10);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (D or (not B))) + Data[10] + $ffeff47d,15);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (C or (not A))) + Data[ 1] + $85845dd1,21);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (B or (not D))) + Data[ 8] + $6fa87e4f,6);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (A or (not C))) + Data[15] + $fe2ce6e0,10);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (D or (not B))) + Data[ 6] + $a3014314,15);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (C or (not A))) + Data[13] + $4e0811a1,21);
    A := B + LRot32(A + (C xor (B or (not D))) + Data[ 4] + $f7537e82,6);
    D := A + LRot32(D + (B xor (A or (not C))) + Data[11] + $bd3af235,10);
    C := D + LRot32(C + (A xor (D or (not B))) + Data[ 2] + $2ad7d2bb,15);
    B := C + LRot32(B + (D xor (C or (not A))) + Data[ 9] + $eb86d391,21);
    Inc(CurrentHash[0], A);
    Inc(CurrentHash[1], B);
    Inc(CurrentHash[2], C);
    Inc(CurrentHash[3], D);
    Index := 0;
    FillChar(HashBuffer, Sizeof(HashBuffer), 0);

  procedure Update(const Buffer; Size : longword);
  var PBuf : ^byte;
    Inc(LenHi, Size shr 29);
    Inc(LenLo, Size*8);
    if LenLo < (Size*8) then Inc(LenHi);
    PBuf := @Buffer;
    while Size > 0 do begin
      if (Sizeof(HashBuffer) - Index) <= DWord(Size) then begin
        Move(PBuf^, HashBuffer[Index], Sizeof(HashBuffer) - Index);
        Dec(Size, Sizeof(HashBuffer) - Index);
        Inc(PBuf, Sizeof(HashBuffer) - Index);
      end else begin
        Move(PBuf^, HashBuffer[Index], Size);
        Inc(Index, Size);
        Size := 0;

  procedure Final(var Digest);
    HashBuffer[Index] := $80;
    if Index >= 56 then Compress;
    PDWord(@HashBuffer[56])^ := LenLo;
    PDWord(@HashBuffer[60])^ := LenHi;
    Move(CurrentHash, Digest, Sizeof(CurrentHash));

  Update(s[1], Length(s));
  Result := '';
  for i := 0 to 15 do Result := Result + AnsiLowerCase(IntToHex(a[i], 2));
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