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Re: InvalidateRect und 100% CPU ?

  Alt 24. Okt 2008, 11:28
Zitat von Luckie:
Und diese Nachricht soll nicht verarbeitet werden? Dann verarbeite sie doch und tue nichts. Dann wird deutlicher was du vorhast. So musste ioch die Frage stellen, das entfällt, wen du es so machst, wie ich es vorgeschlagen habe.
Reden wir aneinander vorbei ?
Oder was willst mir damit sagen..

Meine APP Proc
function WndProc(WinHandle: HWND; Msg: UINT; wP: WParam; lP: LParam): longint;
  ps: TPaintStruct;
  rw: PRect;
  hBut: THandle;
  imgW: cardinal;
  pMM: PMinMaxInfo;
  CaptionHeight: integer;
  p: TPoint;


  with SkinEngine do

    case Msg of
        pMM := PMinMaxInfo(lP);
        pMM^.ptMinTrackSize.x := MinTrackSizeX[0];
        pMM^.ptMinTrackSize.y := MinTrackSizeY[0];
        if ButtonSysCommand(WinHandle, wP) then
          Result := 0;
        case LoWord(wP) of
            if GetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AEROCRYSTAL)) then
              SplitColorARGB(SK_AEROCOLOR, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue);
                ID_TRACK_OPACITY)), RGB(Red, Green, Blue)), SK_WRITE];
              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AERODISABLE), False);
              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AEROBLUR), False);
              FConfig.AeroEmulate[SK_WRITE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.AeroBlueLevel[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
              SetTrackValue(GetMainItem(ID_TRACK_BLURLEVEL), SK_AEROBLURLEVEL);

              SetTimer(WinHandle, AERO_TIMER, SK_AEROTIMERDELAY, nil);

              FConfig.UseVistaBlur[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.UseVistaCrystal[SK_WRITE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.TextRendering[TextRenderingHintAntiAlias, 1];
            end else
              FConfig.TextRendering[TextRenderingDefault, 1];
              KillTimer(WinHandle, AERO_TIMER);
              FConfig.AeroEmulate[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];

              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AERODISABLE), True);

              FConfig.UseVistaBlur[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.UseVistaCrystal[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
            GetWindowRect(WinHandle, rc);
            MoveBackground(rc.Left, rc.Top);
            FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
            if GetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AEROBLUR)) then
              SplitColorARGB(SK_AEROCOLOR, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue);
                ID_TRACK_OPACITY)), RGB(Red, Green, Blue)), SK_WRITE];
              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AERODISABLE), False);
              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AEROCRYSTAL), False);
              FConfig.AeroEmulate[SK_WRITE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.AeroBlueLevel[6, SK_WRITE];
              SetTrackValue(GetMainItem(ID_TRACK_BLURLEVEL), SK_AEROBLURLEVEL);
              SetTimer(WinHandle, AERO_TIMER, SK_AEROTIMERDELAY, nil);

              FConfig.UseVistaCrystal[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.UseVistaBlur[SK_WRITE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.TextRendering[TextRenderingHintAntiAlias, 1];
            end else
              FConfig.TextRendering[TextRenderingDefault, 1];
              KillTimer(WinHandle, AERO_TIMER);
              FConfig.AeroEmulate[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];

              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AERODISABLE), True);

              FConfig.UseVistaBlur[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.UseVistaCrystal[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
            GetWindowRect(WinHandle, rc);
            MoveBackground(rc.Left, rc.Top);
            FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
            if GetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AERODISABLE)) then
              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AEROBLUR), False);
              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AEROCRYSTAL), False);
              FConfig.AeroEmulate[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.TextRendering[TextRenderingDefault, 1];
              KillTimer(WinHandle, AERO_TIMER);

              FConfig.UseVistaBlur[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];
              FConfig.UseVistaCrystal[SK_FALSE, SK_WRITE];

              GetWindowRect(WinHandle, rc);
              MoveBackground(rc.Left, rc.Top);
              FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
            end else
              SetCheckButtonStatus(GetMainItem(ID_AERODISABLE), True);
            if SK_AEROEMULATE <> 0 then
              SplitColorARGB(SK_AEROCOLOR, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue);
              FConfig.AeroColor[ColorARGB(lP, RGB(Red, Green, Blue)), SK_WRITE];
              GetWindowRect(WinHandle, rc);
              MoveBackground(rc.Left, rc.Top);
              FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
            if lP <> SK_AEROBLURLEVEL then
              FConfig.AeroBlueLevel[lP, SK_WRITE];
              if SK_AEROEMULATE = 1 then
                GetWindowRect(WinHandle, rc);
                MoveBackground(rc.Left, rc.Top);
                FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
          end else
            Result := 0;
        EnumChildWindows(WinHandle, @AnchorEnum, 0);
        FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
        Result := DefWindowProc(WinHandle, Msg, wP, lP);
        // Aktualisiere das Caption
        // Nur Caption neuzeichnen
        GetClientRect(WinHandle, rc);

        GetImageSize(GetProperty(WinHandle, FORM_TopMid),
          imgW, cardinal(rc.Bottom));
        InvalidateRect(WinHandle, @rc, False);
        if IsIconic(WinHandle) then
          p.X := LoWord(lP);
          p.Y := HiWord(lP);
          ScreenToClient(WinHandle, p);

          GetImageSize(GetProperty(WinHandle, FORM_TopMid),
            imgW, cardinal(CaptionHeight));
          if p.Y < CaptionHeight then
            if IsZoomed(WinHandle) then
              ButtonSysCommand(WinHandle, MAKELONG(ID_RESTORE, 0))
              ButtonSysCommand(WinHandle, MAKELONG(ID_MAXIMIZE, 0));

            Result := 0;
        hBut := GetDlgItem(WinHandle, ID_LED);
        if hBut <> 0 then
          Result := DefWindowProc(WinHandle, Msg, wP, lP);
          if MainWindow(0) = GetForegroundWindow then
            gColorCaption := SK_ACTIVECAPTION
            gColorCaption := SK_INACTIVECAPTION;

          // Aktualisiere das Caption

          // Nur Caption neuzeichnen
          GetClientRect(WinHandle, rc);
          GetImageSize(GetProperty(WinHandle, FORM_TopMid),
            imgW, cardinal(rc.Bottom));
          InvalidateRect(WinHandle, @rc, False);
        Result := 1;
        BeginPaint(WinHandle, ps);
        PaintDoubleBuffer(WinHandle, ps.hdc);
        EndPaint(WinHandle, ps);
        Result := 0;

        Result := 0;
        if IsCompositionEnabled = False then
          if (SK_AEROEMULATE = 1) and IsAeroLayered then
            if IsLButtonDown = False then
              IsMoving := False;
            if (IsMoving = False) or (IsLButtonDown and (IsMoving)) then
              GetWindowRect(WinHandle, rc);
              MoveBackground(rc.Left, rc.Top);
              FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
        IsMoving := True;
        if IsCompositionEnabled = False then
          if (SK_AEROEMULATE = 1) and IsAeroLayered then
            rw := PRect(lP);
            MoveBackground(rw.Left, rw.Top);
            FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);
            Result := 1;

    Result := skDefWindowProc(WinHandle, Msg, wP, lP);

Meine Def Proc
function skDefWindowProc(WinHandle: HWND; Msg: UInt; wP: WParam; lP: lParam): longint;
  rc: TRect;
  p: TPoint;
  CaptionHeight: cardinal;
  xF, yF, xSide, BORDER: integer;
  HITTEST: integer;


  Result := DefWindowProc(WinHandle, Msg, wP, lP);

  HITTEST := 0;

  if Msg = WM_NCHITTEST then

    SkinEngine.GetImageSize(SkinEngine.GetProperty(WinHandle, FORM_TopMid),
      imgW, CaptionHeight);

    p.X := LoWord(lP);
    p.Y := HiWord(lP);

    ScreenToClient(WinHandle, p);
    if IsZoomed(WinHandle) = False then
      if Result = HTCLIENT then
        if SkinEngine.SK_DRAG_BACKGROUND = 0 then
          if (p.Y > integer(CaptionHeight)) and (CaptionHeight > 0) then
            HITTEST := HTNOWHERE;
            if WinHandle <> GetForegroundWindow then
        if SkinEngine.WinResizable(WinHandle) <> 0 then
          GetClientRect(WinHandle, rc);

        xF := rc.Right;
        yF := rc.Bottom;
        xSide := 0;
        BORDER := GetSystemMetrics(32);
        if ((p.X >= xF - BORDER) and ((p.Y >= yF - BORDER))) then
        end else
          // Linke Seite
          if (p.X <= 8) then
            if (p.X <= BORDER) then
              HITTEST := HTLEFT;
            xSide := 1;
          // Rechte Seite
          if (p.X >= xF - 8) then
            if (p.X >= xF - BORDER) then
              HITTEST := HTRIGHT;
            xSide := 2;
          // Obere Seite
          if (p.Y <= BORDER) then
            HITTEST := HTTOP;
            if (xSide = 1) then
              HITTEST := HTTOPLEFT
            else if (xSide = 2) then
              HITTEST := HTTOPRIGHT;
          // Untere Seite
          if (p.Y >= yF - BORDER) then
            if (xSide = 1) then
              HITTEST := HTBOTTOM;
      Result := HITTEST;
    end else
      if p.Y < integer(CaptionHeight) then
        Result := HTCAPTION;

Ich springe bei WM_PAINT raus um diese danach nicht zu verarbeiten wenn das Paint Event beendet ist.
Was ist da falsch ?

gruss Emil
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat