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Re: How to enumerate all trayicons in the taskbar

  Alt 8. Feb 2009, 15:14

i have no idea why it does not work on 64 bit sys.

yeah i know that problem

e.g if i open the xplorer i cann see 7 entries in my program ..

here is the code if someone needs it

  TTBBUTTON = packed record // 20
    iBitmap: Integer;
    idCommand: Integer;
    fsState: Byte;
    fsStyle: Byte;
    bReserved: array[1..2] of Byte;
    dwData: Longint;
    iString: Integer;

  PTNAEntry = ^TTNAEntry;
  TTNAEntry = record
    hwnd: Cardinal;
    uID: Integer;
    uCallbackMessage: Cardinal;
    Unknwon1: Array[0..1] of Cardinal;
    hIcon: Cardinal;
    Unknwon2: Array[0..2] of Cardinal;
    uniPath: string;
    sTip: string;
    iBitmap: Cardinal;
    idCommand: Integer;
    fsState: byte;
    fsStyle: byte;
    dwData: Cardinal;
    iString: Cardinal;
  TTNAEntryArr = Array of TTNAEntry;
// funcs
function GetTNAEntries(): TTNAEntryArr;
  hWnd, PID,
  hProc: Cardinal;
  MEM: Pointer;
  Count: Cardinal;
  x: Cardinal;
  i: Integer;
  buf: WideChar;
  p: PWideChar;
  TB_GETBUTTON = WM_USER+$17; //23;
  hWnd := FindWindowEx( FindWindowEx( FindWindowEx( FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',0), 0, 'TrayNotifyWnd', 0 ), 0, 'SysPager', 0 ), 0, 'ToolbarWindow32', 0 );
  GetWindowThreadProcessID( hWnd, @PID );
    hProc := OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, PID );
    MEM := VirtualAllocEx( hProc, nil, SizeOf(TTBButton), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
    Count := SendMessage( hWnd, TB_BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0 );
    SetLength(Result, Count);
    for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
      SendMessage( hWnd, TB_GETBUTTON, i, integer(MEM) );
      ReadProcessMemory( hProc, MEM, @but, SizeOf(TTBBUTTON), x );
      Move( but, Result[i].hwnd, sizeof(but) );
      if but.iString > 0 then
        p := Pointer(but.iString);
          ReadProcessMemory( hProc, p, @buf, 2, x );
          Result[i].sTip := Result[i].sTip + buf;
        until buf = #0;
      ReadProcessMemory( hProc, Pointer(but.dwData), @result[i].hwnd, 36, x );
    VirtualFreeEx( hProc, MEM, SizeOf(TTBButton), MEM_DECOMMIT );
    CloseHandle( hProc );
(btw. thanks jonas - again )
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