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Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
43.167 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: MD5 Länge einfügen als 64 Bit?

  Alt 3. Mär 2009, 09:18
konnte jetzt nicht testen, ob's so geht, aber einige Fehler hab ich schonmal gefunden.

deine Zeilen auskommentiert, dann 'ne kleine Beschreibung dazu und darunter direkt den Fehler behoben

function TMD5.Crypt(text: string):string;
  r: array[0..63] of longword;
  k: array[0..63] of longword;
  i, x, y: longword;
  a, b, c, d: longword;
  h0, h1, h2, h3: longword;
  textlength: int64;
  block: string;
  w: array[0..15] of longword;
  f, g: longword;
  temp: longword;
  r[0] := 7;
  r[1] := 12;
  r[2] := 17;
  r[3] := 22;
  r[4] := 7;
  r[5] := 12;
  r[6] := 17;
  r[7] := 22;
  r[8] := 7;
  r[9] := 12;
  r[10] := 17;
  r[11] := 22;
  r[12] := 7;
  r[13] := 12;
  r[14] := 17;
  r[15] := 22;

  r[16] := 5;
  r[17] := 9;
  r[18] := 14;
  r[19] := 20;
  r[20] := 5;
  r[21] := 9;
  r[22] := 14;
  r[23] := 20;
  r[24] := 5;
  r[25] := 9;
  r[26] := 14;
  r[27] := 20;
  r[28] := 5;
  r[29] := 9;
  r[30] := 14;
  r[31] := 20;

  r[32] := 4;
  r[33] := 11;
  r[34] := 16;
  r[35] := 23;
  r[36] := 4;
  r[37] := 11;
  r[38] := 16;
  r[39] := 23;
  r[40] := 4;
  r[41] := 11;
  r[42] := 16;
  r[43] := 23;
  r[44] := 4;
  r[45] := 11;
  r[46] := 16;
  r[47] := 23;

  r[48] := 6;
  r[49] := 10;
  r[50] := 15;
  r[51] := 21;
  r[52] := 6;
  r[53] := 10;
  r[54] := 15;
  r[55] := 21;
  r[56] := 6;
  r[57] := 10;
  r[58] := 15;
  r[59] := 21;
  r[60] := 6;
  r[61] := 10;
  r[62] := 15;
  r[63] := 21;

  for i := 0 to 63 do
    k[i] := floor(abs(sin(i + 1) * power(2, 32)));

  h0 := $67452301;
  h1 := $EFCDAB89;
  h2 := $98BADCFE;
  h3 := $10325476;

  textlength := length(text) * 8;
  text := text + #$80;
  while ((length(text) * 8) mod 512) <> 448 do
    text := text + #$00;
  text := text + Int64ToBinLength(textlength);

  for x := 1 to (length(text) * 8) div 512 do
    //block := copy(text, (512 div 8) * x, 512 div 8);
    /// (512 div 8) * x für x = 1 {startwert}
    /// (512 div 8) * 1 = 64 müßte aber 1 sein {1 = erstes Zeichen im String}
    block := copy(text, (512 div 8) * (x - 1) + 1, 512 div 8);
    ///for i := 0 to 15 do
    /// //move(block[i * 32 + 1], w, 32);
    /// move(block[i * (32 div 8) + 1], w[i], (32 div 8)); // du willtest doch wohl alles in
    ///oder gleich // die EINZELNEN w[i] reinkoppieren
    move(block[1], w, 512 div 8); // und die 32 waren wohl noch Bits

    a := h0;
    b := h1;
    c := h2;
    d := h3;

    for i := 0 to 63 do
      if (0 <= i) and (i <= 15) then
        f := (b and c) or ((not b) and d);
        g := i;
      else if (16 <= i) and (i <= 31) then
        f := (b and d) or (c and (not d));
        g := (5*i + 1) mod 16;
      else if (32 <= i) and (i <= 47) then
        f := b xor c xor d;
        g := (3*i + 5) mod 16;
      else if (48 <= i) and (i <= 63) then
        f := c xor (b or (not d));
        g := (7*i) mod 16;

      temp := d;
      d := c; // dieze Zeile hattest'e vergessen
      c := b;
      // die lange Formel stimmt ^^
      b := ((a + f + k[i] + w[g]) shl (r[i])) or ((a + f + k[i] + w[g]) shr (32 - r[i])) + b;
      a := temp;

    h0 := h0 + a;
    h1 := h1 + b;
    h2 := h2 + c;
    h3 := h3 + d;


  Result := Format('$%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x',
      [h0 shr 0 and $ff, h0 shr 8 and $ff, h0 shr 16 and $ff, h0 shr 24 and $ff,
       h1 shr 0 and $ff, h1 shr 8 and $ff, h1 shr 16 and $ff, h1 shr 24 and $ff,
       h2 shr 0 and $ff, h2 shr 8 and $ff, h2 shr 16 and $ff, h2 shr 24 and $ff,
       h3 shr 0 and $ff, h3 shr 8 and $ff, h3 shr 16 and $ff, h3 shr 24 and $ff]);

Garbage Collector ... Delphianer erzeugen keinen Müll, also brauchen sie auch keinen Müllsucher.
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