Thema: Delphi Form andocken

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Delphi 2007 Professional

Form andocken

  Alt 5. Sep 2009, 11:10

mit der JvMagnet Komponente, welche ich auf meiner Mainform und einer anderen habe, kann ich es erreichen, dass diese zusammendocken. Unter Vista aber dockt sie ein bisschen zu weit über die Mainform und umgekehrt. Dies liegt an der Rahmenbreite in Vista. Kann mir einer die Komponente so anpassen, dass unter Vista nichts überlappt?

Hier der Code:
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for
the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.

The Original Code is: JvMagnet.PAS, released on 2001-02-28.

The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Sébastien Buysse [sbuysse att buypin dott com]
Portions created by Sébastien Buysse are Copyright (C) 2001 Sébastien Buysse.
All Rights Reserved.

Contributor(s): Michael Beck [mbeck att bigfoot dott com].

You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page,
located at [url][/url]

Known Issues:

// $Id: JvFormMagnet.pas 11729 2008-02-20 14:49:30Z obones $

unit JvFormMagnet;



  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms,
  JvComponentBase, MultiMon;

  TJvFormMagnet = class(TJvComponent)
    FForm: TForm;
    FActive: Boolean;
    FScreenMagnet: Boolean;
    FFormGlue: Boolean;
    FArea: Cardinal;
    FMainFormMagnet: Boolean;
    FLastRightDock: TDateTime;
    FLastLeftDock: TDateTime;
    FLastTopDock: TDateTime;
    FLastBottomDock: TDateTime;
    function NewWndProc(var Msg: TMessage): Boolean;
    procedure MagnetScreen(OldRect: TRect; var FormRect: TRect; ScreenRect: TRect);
    procedure GlueForms(var FormRect: TRect);
    procedure MagnetToMain(OldRect: TRect; var FormRect: TRect; MainRect: TRect);
    procedure MoveTo(var SrcRect, Rect: TRect);
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property Active: Boolean read FActive write FActive default False;
    property ScreenMagnet: Boolean read FScreenMagnet write FScreenMagnet default True;
    property Area: Cardinal read FArea write FArea default 15;
    property FormGlue: Boolean read FFormGlue write FFormGlue default True;
    property MainFormMagnet: Boolean read FMainFormMagnet write FMainFormMagnet default False;

  UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = (
    RCSfile: '$URL: [url][/url] $';
    Revision: '$Revision: 11729 $';
    Date: '$Date: 2008-02-20 15:49:30 +0100 (mer., 20 févr. 2008) $';
    LogPath: 'JVCL\run'



constructor TJvFormMagnet.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  FActive := False;
  FScreenMagnet := True;
  FArea := 15;
  FFormGlue := True;
  FMainFormMagnet := False;

  FLastRightDock := 0.0;
  FLastLeftDock := 0.0;
  FLastTopDock := 0.0;
  FLastBottomDock := 0.0;

  FForm := TForm(GetParentForm(TControl(AOwner)));
  if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (FForm <> nil) then
    RegisterWndProcHook(FForm, NewWndProc, hoBeforeMsg);

destructor TJvFormMagnet.Destroy;
  if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (FForm <> nil) then
    UnregisterWndProcHook(FForm, NewWndProc, hoBeforeMsg);
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TJvFormMagnet.MagnetScreen(OldRect: TRect; var FormRect: TRect; ScreenRect: TRect);
  FormWidth, FormHeight: Integer;

  function MovingToLeft: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Left > FormRect.Left;

  function MovingToRight: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Left < FormRect.Left;

  function MovingToTop: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Top > FormRect.Top;

  function MovingToBottom: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Top < FormRect.Top;

  function OkayForAll(var Value: TDateTime): Boolean;
    Result := Abs(Value - Now) > EncodeTime(0, 0, 0, 250);

  function OkayForRight: Boolean;
    Result := OkayForAll(FLastRightDock);

  function OkayForLeft: Boolean;
    Result := OkayForAll(FLastLeftDock);

  function OkayForTop: Boolean;
    Result := OkayForAll(FLastTopDock);

  function OkayForBottom: Boolean;
    Result := OkayForAll(FLastBottomDock);

  procedure DockOnLeft;
    FormRect.Left := ScreenRect.Left;
    FormRect.Right := FormRect.Left + FormWidth;
    FLastLeftDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnLeftOutside;
    FormRect.Left := ScreenRect.Left - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := FormRect.Left + FormWidth;
    FLastLeftDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnLeftInside;
    FormRect.Left := ScreenRect.Left + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := FormRect.Left + FormWidth;
    FLastLeftDock := Now;

  procedure DockOnRight;
    FormRect.Left := ScreenRect.Right - FormWidth;
    FormRect.Right := ScreenRect.Right;
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnRightOutside;
    FormRect.Left := ScreenRect.Right - FormWidth + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := ScreenRect.Right + Integer(FArea);
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnRightInside;
    FormRect.Left := ScreenRect.Right - FormWidth - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := ScreenRect.Right - Integer(FArea);
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure DockOnTop;
    FormRect.Top := ScreenRect.Top;
    FormRect.Bottom := FormRect.Top + FormHeight;
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnTopOutside;
    FormRect.Top := ScreenRect.Top - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := FormRect.Top + FormHeight;
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnTopInside;
    FormRect.Top := ScreenRect.Top + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := FormRect.Top + FormHeight;
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure DockOnBottom;
    FormRect.Top := ScreenRect.Bottom - FormHeight;
    FormRect.Bottom := ScreenRect.Bottom;
    FLastBottomDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnBottomInside;
    FormRect.Top := ScreenRect.Bottom - FormHeight - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := ScreenRect.Bottom - Integer(FArea);
    FLastBottomDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnBottomOutside;
    FormRect.Top := ScreenRect.Bottom - FormHeight + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := ScreenRect.Bottom + Integer(FArea);
    FLastBottomDock := Now;

  FormWidth := FormRect.Right - FormRect.Left;
  FormHeight := FormRect.Bottom - FormRect.Top;

  // Magnet/UnMagnet Left, Magnet/UnMagnet Right
  if MovingToLeft then
    if OkayForLeft then
      if ((FormRect.Left - ScreenRect.Left) in [2..FArea]) or
        (Abs(FormRect.Left - ScreenRect.Left) = 1) then
      if Abs(FormRect.Left - ScreenRect.Left) in [2..FArea] then
      if (ScreenRect.Right - FormRect.Right) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(ScreenRect.Right - FormRect.Right) in [1..FArea] then
    if Abs(FormRect.Left - ScreenRect.Left) < Integer(FArea) then
    if Abs(ScreenRect.Right - FormRect.Right) < Integer(FArea) then

  // Magnet/UnMagnet Left, Magnet/UnMagnet Right
  if MovingToRight then
    if OkayForRight then
      if ((ScreenRect.Right - FormRect.Right) in [2..FArea]) or
        (Abs(ScreenRect.Right - FormRect.Right) = 1) then
      if Abs(ScreenRect.Right - FormRect.Right) in [2..FArea] then
      if (ScreenRect.Left - FormRect.Left) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(ScreenRect.Left - FormRect.Left) in [1..FArea] then
    if Abs(ScreenRect.Right - FormRect.Right) < Integer(FArea) then
    if Abs(ScreenRect.Left - FormRect.Left) < Integer(FArea) then

  // Magnet/UnMagnet Bottom, Magnet/UnMagnet Top
  if MovingToTop then
    if OkayForTop then
      if ((FormRect.Top - ScreenRect.Top) in [2..FArea]) or
        (Abs(FormRect.Top - ScreenRect.Top) = 1) then
      if Abs(FormRect.Top - ScreenRect.Top) in [2..FArea] then
      if (ScreenRect.Bottom - FormRect.Bottom) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(ScreenRect.Bottom - FormRect.Bottom) in [1..FArea] then
    if Abs(FormRect.Top - ScreenRect.Top) < Integer(FArea) then
    if Abs(ScreenRect.Bottom - FormRect.Bottom) < Integer(FArea) then

  // Magnet/UnMagnet Bottom, Magnet/UnMagnet Top
  if MovingToBottom then
    if OkayForBottom then
      if (FormRect.Top - ScreenRect.Top) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(FormRect.Top - ScreenRect.Top) < Integer(FArea) then
      if (ScreenRect.Bottom - FormRect.Bottom) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(ScreenRect.Bottom - FormRect.Bottom) in [1..FArea] then
    if Abs(FormRect.Top - ScreenRect.Top) < Integer(FArea) then
    if Abs(ScreenRect.Bottom - FormRect.Bottom) < Integer(FArea) then

procedure TJvFormMagnet.GlueForms(var FormRect: TRect);
  I: Integer;
  if Assigned(FForm) then
    for I := 0 to Application.ComponentCount - 1 do
      if Application.Components[I] is TForm then
        with Application.Components[I] as TForm do
          if (Left = FForm.Left + FForm.Width) then
            // <--main--><--form-->

            if ((FForm.Top >= Top) and (FForm.Top <= (Top + Height))) or
               ((Top >= FForm.Top) and (Top <= (FForm.Top + FForm.Height))) then
              Left := Left + (FormRect.Left - FForm.Left);
              Top := Top + (FormRect.Top - FForm.Top);
            if (Left + Width = FForm.Left) then
              // <--form--><--main-->
              if ((FForm.Top >= Top) and (FForm.Top <= (Top + Height))) or
                 ((Top >= FForm.Top) and (Top <= (FForm.Top + FForm.Height))) then
                Left := Left + (FormRect.Left - FForm.Left);
                Top := Top + (FormRect.Top - FForm.Top);
              if (Top = FForm.Top + FForm.Height) then
                // <--main-->
                // <--form-->

                if ((Left >= FForm.Left) and (Left <= (FForm.Left + FForm.Width))) or
                   ((FForm.Left >= Left) and (FForm.Left <= (Left + Width))) then
                  Left := Left + (FormRect.Left - FForm.Left);
                  Top := Top + (FormRect.Top - FForm.Top);
              else begin
                if (Top + Height = FForm.Top) then
                  // <--form-->
                  // <--main-->
                  if ((Left >= FForm.Left) and (Left <= (FForm.Left + FForm.Width))) or
                     ((FForm.Left >= Left) and (FForm.Left <= (Left + Width))) then
                    Left := Left + (FormRect.Left - FForm.Left);
                    Top := Top + (FormRect.Top - FForm.Top);

procedure TJvFormMagnet.MagnetToMain(OldRect: TRect; var FormRect: TRect; MainRect: TRect);
  FormWidth, FormHeight: Integer;

  function OkayForAll(var Value: TDateTime): Boolean;
    Result := Abs(Value - Now) > EncodeTime(0, 0, 0, 250);

  function OkayForRight: Boolean;
    Result := OkayForAll(FLastRightDock);

  function OkayForTop: Boolean;
    Result := OkayForAll(FLastTopDock);

  function MovingToLeft: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Left > FormRect.Left;

  function MovingToRight: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Left < FormRect.Left;

  function MovingToTop: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Top > FormRect.Top;

  function MovingToBottom: Boolean;
    Result := OldRect.Top < FormRect.Top;

  function InWidth: Boolean;
    Result := ((FormRect.Left > MainRect.Left) and (FormRect.Left < MainRect.Right)) or
      ((FormRect.Left < MainRect.Left) and (FormRect.Right > MainRect.Left));

  function InHeight: Boolean;
    Result := ((FormRect.Top > MainRect.Top) and (FormRect.Top < MainRect.Bottom)) or
      ((FormRect.Top < MainRect.Top) and (FormRect.Bottom > MainRect.Top));

  procedure DockOnBottom;
    FormRect.Top := MainRect.Bottom;
    FormRect.Bottom := FormRect.Top + FormHeight;
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnBottomInside;
    FormRect.Top := MainRect.Bottom - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := FormRect.Top + FormHeight;
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnBottomOutside;
    FormRect.Top := MainRect.Bottom + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := FormRect.Top + FormHeight;
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure DockOnTop;
    FormRect.Top := MainRect.Top - FormHeight;
    FormRect.Bottom := MainRect.Top;
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnTopOutside;
    FormRect.Top := MainRect.Top - FormHeight - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := MainRect.Top - Integer(FArea);
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnTopInside;
    FormRect.Top := MainRect.Top - FormHeight + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Bottom := MainRect.Top + Integer(FArea);
    FLastTopDock := Now;

  procedure DockOnRight;
    FormRect.Left := MainRect.Right;
    FormRect.Right := FormRect.Left + FormWidth;
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnRightInside;
    FormRect.Left := MainRect.Right - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := FormRect.Left + FormWidth;
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnRightOutside;
    FormRect.Left := MainRect.Right + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := FormRect.Left + FormWidth;
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure DockOnLeft;
    FormRect.Left := MainRect.Left - FormWidth;
    FormRect.Right := MainRect.Left;
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnLeftInside;
    FormRect.Left := MainRect.Left - FormWidth + Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := MainRect.Left + Integer(FArea);
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  procedure UndockOnLeftOutside;
    FormRect.Left := MainRect.Left - FormWidth - Integer(FArea);
    FormRect.Right := MainRect.Left - Integer(FArea);
    FLastRightDock := Now;

  FormWidth := FormRect.Right - FormRect.Left;
  FormHeight := FormRect.Bottom - FormRect.Top;

  // Magnet/UnMagnet Bottom, Magnet/UnMagnet Top
  if MovingToTop and InWidth then
    if OkayForTop then
      if (FormRect.Top - MainRect.Bottom) in [2..FArea] then
      if -(FormRect.Top - MainRect.Bottom) in [2..FArea] then
      if (FormRect.Bottom - MainRect.Top) in [2..FArea] then
      if -(FormRect.Bottom - MainRect.Top) in [2..FArea] then
    if Abs(FormRect.Top - MainRect.Bottom) < Integer(FArea) then
    if Abs(FormRect.Bottom - MainRect.Top) < Integer(FArea) then

  if MovingToBottom and InWidth then
    if OkayForTop then
      if (FormRect.Top - MainRect.Bottom) in [2..FArea] then
      if -(FormRect.Top - MainRect.Bottom) in [2..FArea] then
      if (FormRect.Bottom - MainRect.Top) in [1..FArea] then
      if Abs(FormRect.Bottom - MainRect.Top) in [2..FArea] then
    if Abs(FormRect.Top - MainRect.Bottom) < Integer(FArea) then
    if (FormRect.Bottom - MainRect.Top) < Integer(FArea) then

  if MovingToLeft and InHeight then
    if OkayForRight then
      if (FormRect.Left - MainRect.Right) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(FormRect.Left - MainRect.Right) in [2..FArea] then
      if (FormRect.Right - MainRect.Left) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(FormRect.Right - MainRect.Left) in [2..FArea] then
    if Abs(FormRect.Left - MainRect.Right) < Integer(FArea) then
    if Abs(FormRect.Right - MainRect.Left) < Integer(FArea) then

  if MovingToRight and InHeight then
    if OkayForRight then
      if (MainRect.Left - FormRect.Right) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(MainRect.Left - FormRect.Right) in [2..FArea] then
      if (MainRect.Right - FormRect.Left) in [2..FArea] then
      if Abs(MainRect.Right - FormRect.Left) in [2..FArea] then
    if Abs(MainRect.Left - FormRect.Right) < Integer(FArea) then
    if Abs(MainRect.Right - FormRect.Left) < Integer(FArea) then

function TJvFormMagnet.NewWndProc(var Msg: TMessage): Boolean;
  R, R3: TRect;
  Result := False;
  with Msg do
    if FActive then
      case Msg of
            R := PRect(LParam)^;
            R3.Left := FForm.Left;
            R3.Top := FForm.Top;
            R3.Right := R3.Left + FForm.Width;
            R3.Bottom := R3.Top + FForm.Height;
            MoveTo(R3, R);
            PRect(LParam)^ := R;

procedure TJvFormMagnet.MoveTo(var SrcRect, Rect: TRect);
  DesktopWorkRect, PreviousRect: TRect;
  Monitor: HMONITOR;
  MonInfo: TMonitorInfo;
  PreviousRect := SrcRect;

  // Move to a side of the desktop?
  if FScreenMagnet then
    Monitor := MultiMon.MonitorFromRect(@PreviousRect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
    if Monitor <> 0 then
      MonInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(MonInfo);
      GetMonitorInfo(Monitor, @MonInfo);
      DesktopWorkRect := MonInfo.rcWork;
      SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @DesktopWorkRect, 0);
    MagnetScreen(PreviousRect, Rect, DesktopWorkRect);

  // Move another form too?
  if FFormGlue then

  // Magnet to main form?
  if FMainFormMagnet and (Application.MainForm <> nil) then
    DesktopWorkRect.Left := Application.MainForm.Left;
    DesktopWorkRect.Top := Application.MainForm.Top;
    DesktopWorkRect.Right := Application.MainForm.Left + Application.MainForm.Width;
    DesktopWorkRect.Bottom := Application.MainForm.Top + Application.MainForm.Height;
    MagnetToMain(PreviousRect, Rect, DesktopWorkRect);

  RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning);


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