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David Martens

Registriert seit: 29. Sep 2003
205 Beiträge
Delphi XE Enterprise

Re: Excel fernsteuerun mit OLE: TExcelChart Objekt

  Alt 20. Nov 2009, 14:50
Die Diskusion ist zwar schon länger her, aber ich werde mal auch meinen Senf dazugeben.

Das hier beschriebene Problem hatte ich auch. Aus einem Programm Daten exportieren, diese dann als Pivottabelle aufbereiten und, wenn von Benutzer gewünscht, als Diagramm darstellen.

Wir haben auch erst späte Bindung benutzt, aber da MS einen im Regen stehen lässt sind wir schnell umgestiegen.

Ich habe einen Excel-Server geschrieben der die kapselt und auf unsere Ansprüche zuschneidet. Leider geht mir der Server noch nicht weit genug, aber man hat ja nie genug Zeit alles auszufeilen.

Für eine größtmögliche Unterstützung benutzen wir eine leicht modifizierte Excel 97 Type Library.

Hier ein paar wichtige Zeilen:
  TExcelServer = class
    {$REGION 'Wrapperklassen'}
    FOwner : TComponent;
    FLCID : Integer;
    FConnected : boolean;
    ExcelApplication : TExcelApplication;
    ExcelWorkbook : TExcelWorkbook;
    ExcelWorksheet : TExcelWorksheet;
    ExcelPivotTables : PivotTables;
    ExcelPivotTable : PivotTable;
    ExcelPivotFields : PivotFields;
    ExcelPivotField : PivotField;
    ExcelPivotDataFields : PivotFields;
    ExcelPivotDataField : PivotField;
    ExcelPivotItems : PivotItems;
    ExcelPivotItem : PivotItem;
    ExcelChart : TExcelChart;
    ExcelChartSeriesCollection : SeriesCollection;
    ExcelChartSeries : Series;
    ExcelChartObjects : ChartObjects;
    ExcelChartObject : ChartObject;

    FbIsAppWbNew : boolean;


    {$REGION 'Workbook -------------------------------------------------------------------'}
    procedure WorkbookNew(Template: xlWBATemplate = xlWBATWorksheet);

    {$REGION 'Worksheet ------------------------------------------------------------------'}
    procedure WorksheetNew(Template: xlWBATemplate = xlWBATWorksheet);

    {$REGION 'Pivot ----------------------------------------------------------------------'}
    procedure DeselectAllPivotItems(Name : string);

    function GetPivotFormatType(PivotFormatType : TIvuPivotAutoFormatType) : Longword;

    function GetPivotFieldItems(Field : string; F : xlPivotFieldOrientation) : TStrings;

    {$REGION 'I/O Hilfe ------------------------------------------------------------------'}
    // übersetzt Row, Col in, für Excel verständliche "Zellenadresse"
    function TranslateCell(Row, Col : integer) : string;

    procedure TranslateRange(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol : integer;
                             var FromCell, ToCell : string);

    function TranslateColumn(Col : integer) : string;

    procedure MacroRun(Name: string); overload;

    // Maximal 18 Argumente Rest wird ignoriert
    procedure MacroRun(Name: string; Args: TStringList); overload;

    // schreibt das Makro Macro in das aktuelle
    procedure MacroSet(Macro : TStringList);


    constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent; sExcelPath : string);
    destructor Destroy; override;

    {$REGION 'allgemein ------------------------------------------------------------------'}
    function IsRegistered : boolean;
    procedure CloseExcel;
    procedure StartExcel(StartSeperateInstance : boolean = false);
    procedure DisconnectAll;

    procedure OpenFile(sFileName : string);
    procedure NewFile;

    procedure Run(MacroName : string); overload;
    procedure Run(MacroName : string; Argumente : TStringList); overload;

    procedure InsertMacro(Text : TStringList);
    function MacroExsists(MacroName : string = '') : boolean;

    {$REGION 'Workbook -------------------------------------------------------------------'}
    procedure OnAppWorkbookOpen(ASender: TObject; const Wb: ExcelWorkbook);
    procedure OnAppWorkbookNew(ASender: TObject; const Wb: ExcelWorkbook);
    procedure SaveActiveWorkbookAs(sFileName : string; TryOverride : boolean = true); overload;
    procedure SaveActiveWorkbookAs; overload;
    procedure SaveActiveWorkbook;


    {$REGION 'PivotTable -----------------------------------------------------------------'}
    procedure PivotRefresh;
    // Gibt die Nummer des ersten Worksheets zurück, das eine Pivottabelle enthält.
    // ansonsten wird 0 zurückgegeben.
    function PivotFind : integer;

    procedure PivotSet(Source, SheetName : string;
                       fromRowSource, fromColSource,
                       toRowSource, toColSource,
                       fromRowDest, fromColDest,
                       toRowDest, toColDest : integer);

    procedure PivotSet2(Source, SheetName : string;
                       fromRowSource, fromColSource,
                       toRowSource, toColSource : integer;
                       fromRowDest : integer = 1; fromColDest : integer = 1);

    procedure PivotFormatSet(Format : TIvuPivotAutoFormatType);

    function PivotFormatGet(Format : string) : TIvuPivotAutoFormatType;

    procedure SplitPivotChart_Page(withChart : boolean;
                                   Field : string;
                                   FDiagrammtyp : string;
                                   bDublicateFooter : boolean;
                                   Position : THeaderFooterPosition);


    {$REGION 'Chart ----------------------------------------------------------------------'}
    function FindBuildinChartTypes : TStrings;

    procedure ChartSet(Source, SheetName : string;
                       Charttype : TIvuExcelChartType;
                       fromRowSource, fromColSource,
                       toRowSource, toColSource : integer;
                       fromPivot : boolean = false); overload;

    // nur von Pivot
    procedure ChartSet(Source, SheetName : string;
                       Charttype : TIvuExcelChartType); overload;

    procedure CustomChartSet(Source, SheetName, ChartName : string;
                            fromRowSource, fromColSource,
                            toRowSource, toColSource : integer;
                            fromPivot : boolean = false);

    procedure SetChartTitle(Name : string);
    procedure SetChartXAchse(Name : string);
    procedure SetChartYAchse(Name : string);
    procedure SetChartXAchseCross(At : TIvuExcelChartAxisCross);
    procedure SetChartYAchseCross(At : TIvuExcelChartAxisCross);

    procedure ChartTypeSet(ChartType : TIvuExcelChartType);
    function ChartTypeGet(ChartType : string) : TIvuExcelChartType;

    procedure SetChartNewSeries(XfromRowSource, XtoRowSource, XColSource,
                                YfromRowSource, YtoRowSource, YColSource : integer;
                                Name : string);


constructor TExcelServer.Create(AOwner : TComponent; sExcelPath : string);
  //Überprüfung ob Excel auf Rechner installiert ist
    if IsRegistered = false then
      raise EExcelNotInstalled.Create(rcExcelNotInstalled);
    if not SysUtils.FileExists(sExcelPath) then
      raise EExcelNotInstalled.Create(rcExcelNotInstalled);

  // für Testzwecke
  // raise EExcelNotInstalled.Create(rcExcelNotInstalled);

  FOwner := AOwner;
  ExcelApplication := TExcelApplication.Create(AOwner);

  ExcelWorkbook := TExcelWorkbook.Create(AOwner);
  ExcelWorksheet := TExcelWorksheet.Create(AOwner);
  ExcelPivotTables := nil;
  ExcelPivotTable := nil;
  ExcelChart := TExcelChart.Create(AOwner);
  ExcelChartObjects := nil;
  ExcelChartObject := nil;
  FConnected := false;

  FLCID := GetUserDefaultLCID;

destructor TExcelServer.Destroy;




  inherited Destroy;

// allgemein -------------------------------------------------------------------
function TExcelServer.IsRegistered : boolean;
var Reg: TRegistry;
     bVorhanden : boolean;
  bVorhanden := false;
  //Prüfung ob Excel installiert
  Reg := TRegistry.Create;
    Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
    Reg.Access := KEY_EXECUTE;
    bVorhanden := Reg.KeyExists(cExcelRegKey);
    result := bVorhanden;

procedure TExcelServer.StartExcel(StartSeperateInstance : boolean = false);
  FConnected := false;
    if StartSeperateInstance
      ExcelApplication.ConnectKind := ckNewInstance;
      ExcelApplication.ConnectKind := ckRunningOrNew;

    ExcelApplication.EnableEvents := true;
    ExcelApplication.OnWorkbookOpen := OnAppWorkbookOpen;
    ExcelApplication.OnNewWorkbook := OnAppWorkbookNew;
// ExcelApplication.UserControl := false;
    ExcelApplication.DisplayAlerts[FLCID] := true;
    {Excel-Arbeitsblätter können Verknüpfungen zu anderen Dateien haben.
     Hier wird der Verknüpfungen-Aktualisieren Dialog unterdrückt}

    ExcelApplication.AskToUpdateLinks[FLCID] := false;
    ExcelApplication.Visible[FLCID] := false; // sometimes a previous bad finished session can have visible = true
    FConnected := true;
      ExcelApplication.ConnectKind := ckNewInstance;
      ExcelApplication.EnableEvents := true;
      ExcelApplication.OnWorkbookOpen := OnAppWorkbookOpen;
      ExcelApplication.OnNewWorkbook := OnAppWorkbookNew;
      ExcelApplication.DisplayAlerts[FLCID] := true;
      ExcelApplication.AskToUpdateLinks[FLCID] := false;
      ExcelApplication.Visible[FLCID] := false; // sometimes a previous bad finished session can have visible = true
      FConnected := true;
      raise EExcelOpen.Create(rcExcelOpenError);

function TExcelServer.FindBuildinChartTypes: TStrings;

  function FileSearch(Path : String = '') : string;
    Mask = 'Xl8galry.xls';
    StartFolder = '\Microsoft Office';
    Rec : TSearchRec;
    Result := '';
    if Path = ''
      Path := GetEnvironmentVariable('Programfiles') + StartFolder;

    if FindFirst(Path + '\' + Mask, faAnyFile - faDirectory, Rec) = 0
      Result := Path + '\' + Rec.Name;
      if FindFirst(Path + '\*.*', faDirectory, Rec) = 0
          if ((Rec.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and
             (Rec.Name[1] <> '.')
              Result := FileSearch(Path + '\' + Rec.Name);
        until (FindNext(Rec) <> 0) or (Result <> '');

// NUR Excel 2007
  function FileSearch_abVersion12(Path : String = '') : TStrings;
    Mask = '*.crtx';
    StartFolder = '\Anwendungsdaten\Microsoft\Templates\Charts';
    Rec : TSearchRec;
    Result := TStringList.Create;
    if Path = ''
      Path := GetEnvironmentVariable('Userprofile') + StartFolder;

    if FindFirst(Path + '\' + Mask, faAnyFile - faDirectory, Rec) = 0
        Result.Add(ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(Rec.Name), ''));
      until (FindNext(Rec) <> 0);
      if FindFirst(Path + '\*.*', faDirectory, Rec) = 0
          if ((Rec.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and
             (Rec.Name[1] <> '.')
            Result.AddStrings(FileSearch_abVersion12(Path + '\' + Rec.Name));
        until (FindNext(Rec) <> 0);
// NUR Excel 2007

  i : integer;
  f : string;
  ExApp : TExcelApplication;
  WB : TExcelWorkbook;
  CH : TExcelChart;
  Result := TStringList.Create;


  case Version.Major of
    0..11 : begin
              if not Assigned(CustomChartTypeList)
                f := FileSearch;
                if f <> ''
                    ExApp := TExcelApplication.Create(FOwner);
                    ExApp.ConnectKind := ckNewInstance;
                      ExApp.EnableEvents := true;
                      MessageDlg(rcExcelEnableEventsError, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
                      ExApp.EnableEvents := true;
                    ExApp.DisplayAlerts[FLCID] := false;
                    ExApp.AskToUpdateLinks[FLCID] := false;
                    ExApp.Visible[FLCID] := false;
                    ExApp.OnWorkbookOpen := OnAppWorkbookOpen;
                    FbIsAppWbOpen := false;

                              EmptyParam{UpdateLinks}, EmptyParam{ReadOnly},
                              EmptyParam{Format}, EmptyParam{Password},
                              EmptyParam{WriteResPassword}, EmptyParam{IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended},
                              EmptyParam{Origin}, EmptyParam{Delimiter},
                              EmptyParam{Editable}, EmptyParam{Notify},
                              EmptyParam{Converter}, EmptyParam{AddToMru},

                    while not FbIsAppWbOpen do begin end; // auf Excel warten, bis Workbook offen ist

                    WB := TExcelWorkbook.Create(FOwner);

                    CH := TExcelChart.Create(FOwner);

                    for i := 1 to WB.Sheets.Count
                    do begin
                      CH.ConnectTo(WB.Sheets.Item[i] as _Chart);

                CustomChartTypeList := TStringList.Create;

   12 : begin
// ChartTemplate funktioniert bei Excel 2007 (noch) nicht
// Result.Assign(FileSearch_abVersion12);

procedure TExcelServer.PivotSet(Source, SheetName : string;
                       fromRowSource, fromColSource,
                       toRowSource, toColSource : integer;
                       fromRowDest : integer = 1; fromColDest : integer = 1);
  // siehe: [url]http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B177169&x=13&y=13[/url]
  if Version.Major < 10 then
    PivotSet(Source, SheetName, fromRowSource, fromColSource, toRowSource, toColSource, fromRowDest, fromColDest, fromRowDest, fromColDest);

      ExcelPivotTable := ExcelWorksheet.PivotTableWizard(xlDatabase{SourceType},
                     Source +
                     '!R' + IntToStr(fromRowSource) +
                     'C' + IntToStr(fromColSource) +
                     ':R' + IntToStr(toRowSource) +
                     'C' + IntToStr(toColSource){SourceData},

      ExcelPivotTables := ExcelWorksheet.PivotTables(EmptyParam, FLCID) as PivotTables;

      ExcelPivotFields := ExcelPivotTable.PivotFields(EmptyParam) as PivotFields;

      if fromRowDest > 1
      then begin
        InsertRow(0, fromRowDest - 1);

      if fromColDest > 1
      then begin
        InsertColumn(0, fromColDest - 1);
      raise EExcelPivotSet.Create(rcExcelPivotSetError);

procedure TExcelServer.ChartSet(
  SheetName : string;
  Charttype : TIvuExcelChartType;
  toColSource : integer;
  fromPivot : boolean);

  ExcelChart.ConnectTo(ExcelWorkbook.Charts.Add(EmptyParam, ExcelApplication.Sheets.Item[Source] as _WorkSheet, 1, EmptyParam, FLCID) as _Chart);
  ExcelChart.ChartType := GetChartType(Charttype);

  if fromPivot
  then begin
      on E : Exception do
        raise EExcelChartSetSourceData.Create(rcExcelChartSetError);
  else begin
      ExcelChart.ChartWizard(ExcelWorksheet.Range[TranslateCell(fromRowSource + 1, fromColSource + 1),
                                                    TranslateCell(toRowSource + 1, toColSource + 1)]);
      on E : Exception do
        raise EExcelChartSetSourceData.Create(rcExcelChartSetError);

  ExcelChartObjects := (ExcelWorksheet.ChartObjects as ChartObjects);
  if ExcelChartObjects.Count > 0
    ExcelChartObject := (ExcelChartObjects.Item(1) as ChartObject);

    if Length(SheetName) = 31
      SetLength(SheetName, 29);

    SheetName := SheetName + IntToStr(ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1);

      on E : Exception do
        raise EExcelRenameWorksheet.Create(Format(rcExcelRenameSheetError, [ExcelWorksheet.Name, SheetName]));
Erst seit Excel-Version 2007 wird eine Versionsabfrage notwendig, da hier die benutzerdefinieren Diagrammtypen ganz anders verwaltet werden.

Wie man sieht ist alle in einer Klasse gekapselt, aber mir schwebt eigentlich ein Server vor, der alle Excelklassen einzeln kapselt. Das ist allerdings eine Sisyphus-Arbeit weil dann jede Excel-Version unterschieden werden muss. Eine weitere Schwierigkeit ist der Umstand, das (fast) jedes Objekt eine Property auf alle (un)möglichen Objekte hat z.B.: Range("E10:G12").Application. Das macht in meinen Augen keinen Sinn.

Ich programmiere übrigens auch so, das ich in Excel den Makrorecorder anwerfe und dann in Delphi nachprogrammiere.

Ich hoffe ich konnte helfen.
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