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Benutzerbild von Mithrandir

Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2008
Ort: Delmenhorst
2.379 Beiträge

Re: SmallTune [0.3.1]

  Alt 7. Dez 2009, 10:19
Release 0.3.1
Zitat von Changelog:
[+] ESC-Key closes Dialogs (Settings, URL Window)
[+] Settings Dialog has Cancel/OK Buttons
[+] When opening the Playlist Window, the focus is on the corresponding edit
[*] Path to the DB is shown, if you have an old version db.

[-] Used wrong handle in OpenFileDlg
[-] Repeat mode couldn't be deactivated
[-] Language hasn't been saved
[-] Fixed bug in settings view
[-] Fixed bug in internal default language
[-] Huge leak in Display Class fixed (thx turboPASCAL!)
[-] Multimedia key hook didn't work
[-] Settings dialog could be open several times
[-] Some cosmetics in several dialogs
"In einer Zeit universellen Betruges wird das Aussprechen der Wahrheit zu einem revolutionären Akt." -- 1984, George Orwell
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