Thema: Delphi SQL problem

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Registriert seit: 11. Sep 2003
Ort: Linz am Rhein
796 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: SQL problem

  Alt 7. Dez 2009, 12:51
Look at this:


ABSQuery1.SQL.Add('Insert into Sensors (Field,HWM_ID,Sensor_ID,Sensor_Class,Monitor_Name) values ( :Field, :hwm_id, :sensor_id,:sensor_class,:Monitor_Name );');

// Probably here prepare the Query!
// ABSQuery1.Prepared := True;

// fill SQL only once, the parameters will be filled in your for-struct
// where is the value for :Field? you must fill it!
for hwm_index := 0 to NBMonitors - 1 do begin
  CPUIDSDK_GetHardwareMonitorName(hwm_index, ptrName);

  // missing value for :Field... like following
  // ABSQuery1.ParamByName('Field').AsInteger = 4711;

  for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_VOLTAGE) - 1 do begin
    ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').AsString:=inttostr(hwm_index); // better: ABSQuery1.ParamByName('HWM_ID').Asinteger:=hwm_index;

  for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_TEMPERATURE) - 1 do begin
  for sensor_index := 0 to CPUIDSDK_GetNumberOfSensors(hwm_index, SENSOR_CLASS_FAN) - 1 do begin

  ABSQuery1.ExecSQL; // exec SQL after filling parameters

Michael Kraemer
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