Thema: Delphi Treiber Handling

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Re: Treiber Handling

  Alt 30. Dez 2009, 15:16
Yes that is true but how would it look in lazarus the make file?

in delphi i now use this..

bin\dcc32 -UC:\test1\include -B -CG -JP -$A-,C-,D-,G-,H-,I-,L-,P-,V-,W+,Y- -O+ driver.pas
bin\rmcoff2 driver.obj
bin\link /NOLOGO /ALIGN:32 /BASE:0x10000 /SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE /DRIVER /LIBPATH:C:\test1\lib /ENTRY:DriverEntry ntoskrnl.lib hal.lib win32k.lib ntdll.lib ntutils.lib /out:driver.sys driver.obj
Does FPC/lazarus compile only for normal x64 becouse there is IA x64 and AMD x64
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