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Registriert seit: 17. Jan 2010
4 Beiträge

Re: VirtualTree problems. Soft-gems = no support at all.

  Alt 17. Jan 2010, 18:19

I posted several months ago on the Forum there. (perry4916)
and no response. so yes, I mean the Forum seems to be dead. Don't know about the program itself.

To Benjamin

Just an idea: Have you tried using several imagelists? You can then assign them in OnGetImageIndexEx. "

I guess I don't know how to use the "ongetimageindexex" ?

problem i was having at that time is
that i have 4700 icons.
when i am loading them into a Timagelist, it takes a looooong time, and i will get "out of resources" error.

So, I created a cache file (basicly 1 BMP) that had all the images next to eachother.
the filesize became 10 Mb and the image size was something like 4302249 x 23943
I was able to read that 1 picture into a timagelist and it automaticly splits the images for me.
but then also, i was getting randomly weird errors, "out of memory" "out of resource" etc

so I gave up.

So i am trying to find the best solution for it.

So now I have this on a event
and works great. but when you move the mouse, it's showing other icons on top of the 1 row i selected.
cause it's getting triggered everytime i move the mouse.
and if your going to fast it's not getting the proper X,Y information

procedure Tdsmainform.perrytreeAfterItemPaint(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
  TargetCanvas: TCanvas; Node: PVirtualNode; ItemRect: TRect);
  procedure DrawIcon;
   w, X, Y, i: Integer;
    BlobStream: TStream;
   Datap: ptreedata;
    Datap := Sender.GetNodeData(Node);

    imagequery.SQL.Text:= 'SELECT * FROM pic where romnumber = "'+datap.romscenenumber+'"';
    imagequery.Open ;
    if imagequery.RecordCount=0 then exit;
    if imagequery.FieldByName ('picc').IsNull then exit;
    tempBmp.Width := 32;
    tempBmp.Height := 32;
    //tempbmp.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
    BlobStream := imagequery.CreateBlobStream(imagequery.FieldByName('picc'),bmRead);
    tempBmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, aPng);
    X := ItemRect.Left + TVirtualStringTree(Sender).Margin;
    Y := ItemRect.Top + 2;
    if perrytree.Header.Columns.Items[0].CaptionText='Iconthen x:=x+ perrytree.Header.Columns.Items[0].Left;

   TargetCanvas.Draw(X, Y, newiconbmp);
      on E: EStreamError do ShowMessage(lang1108);
      on E: EInvalidGraphic do ShowMessage(lang1109);


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