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Re: *.bat Datei wird nicht richtig ausgeführt

  Alt 11. Feb 2010, 16:33
Teste mal das:
    {Execute batch file}
    StrPCopy(Templine, 'temp.bat');
    TaskHandle := ShellExecute(frmMain.Handle, NIL, 'command.com',

//and monitor it with a function like this:

    function CheckTask(hInstance: WORD): Boolean;
        TaskInfo: TTASKENTRY;
        RetVal: Boolean;
        TaskInfo.dwSize := SizeOf(TTASKENTRY);
        RetVal := FALSE;
        if(TaskFirst(@TaskInfo)) then
                if(TaskInfo.hInst = hInstance) then
                    RetVal := TRUE;
            until (TaskNext(@TaskInfo) = FALSE);
        CheckTask := RetVal;

(*This runs down the task list, trying to find the task with the specified
Hinstance, returning true if it is still there. To use this function,
simply call it in a loop like this*)

    while CheckTask(TaskHandle) do
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