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Registriert seit: 4. Nov 2004
Ort: Dortmund
182 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Professional

AW: Zeitgemäßer Barcode/QR-Code-Scan auf Android

  Alt 29. Sep 2020, 15:39
Ich habe von dem Thema eigentlich nicht so die große Ahnung, aber weil hier der Begriff Zxing gefallen ist und ich gestern über diesen Link gestolpert bin, ist hier nun auch für euch:


ZXing.Delphi is a native Object Pascal library that is based on the well known open source Barcode Library: ZXing (Zebra Crossing). This port is based on .Net Redth port of ZXing and the Java one. This is I think the first native FireMonkey barcode lib. It is aimed at all of the FireMonkey mobile platforms and, starting from v3.1, it fully supports also Windows VCL applications (no dependencies on FMX.Graphics unit).

With this library you can scan with native speed without the use of linking in external libraries and avoid compatibility issues and dependencies. It is fast.

Its compatible with in Delphi XE7 - 10 Sydney and tested with IOS 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, Android, Windows 32/64 and OSX. The goal of ZXing.Delphi is to make scanning barcodes effortless, painless, fast and build within your FireMonkey or native Windows (VCL or Firemonkey) applications.

Just include the source files and add it in your existing projects and build the ZXing.Delphi source within your projects.
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