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How to apply color profiles to produce real color?

Ein Thema von WojTec · begonnen am 23. Feb 2012 · letzter Beitrag vom 4. Mär 2012
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
480 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

How to apply color profiles to produce real color?

  Alt 23. Feb 2012, 15:49
I'm trying get color like in Photoshop. For example for CMYK(0, 0, 100, 0) get RGB(255, 242, 0) instead FFFF00. Based on demo which is not clear for me I got something like this and don't know what next:

  IntentCodes: array [0..20] of cmsUInt32Number;

procedure GetProfiles(var ACombo: TComboBox; const AColorSpace: cmsColorSpaceSignature);
  Files, Descriptions: TStringList;
  Found: Integer;
  SearchRec: TSearchRec;
  Path, Profile: string;
  Dir: array [0..1024] of Char;
  hProfile: cmsHPROFILE;
  Descrip: array [0..256] of Char;
  Files := TStringList.Create;
  Descriptions := TStringList.Create;
  GetSystemDirectory(Dir, 1023);
  Path := string(Dir) + '\spool\drivers\color\';

  Found := FindFirst(Path + '*.ic?', faAnyFile, SearchRec);
    while Found = 0 do
      Profile := Path + SearchRec.Name;
      hProfile := cmsOpenProfileFromFile(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Profile)), 'r');
      if (hProfile <> nil) then
        if (cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile) = AColorSpace) then
          cmsGetProfileInfo(hProfile, cmsInfoDescription, 'EN', 'us', Descrip, 256);

      Found := FindNext(SearchRec);

  ACombo.Items := Descriptions;
  ACombo.Tag := Integer(Files);

function SelectedFile(var Combo: TComboBox): string;
  List: TStringList;
  n: Integer;

  List := TStringList(Combo.Tag);
  n := Combo.ItemIndex;
  if (n >= 0) then
    SelectedFile := List.Strings[n]
    SelectedFile := Combo.Text;

procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Source, Dest: string;
  hSrc, hDest: cmsHPROFILE;
  xform: cmsHTRANSFORM;
  i, PicW, PicH: Integer;
  Intent: Integer;
  dwFlags: DWORD;

  Source := SelectedFile(cbRGBProfiles);
  Dest := SelectedFile(cbCMYKProfiles);

  if cbCompensation.Checked then
    dwFlags := 0

  Intent := IntentCodes[cbIntents.ItemIndex];


  if (Source <> '') and (Dest <> '') then
    hSrc := cmsOpenProfileFromFile(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Source)), 'r');
    hDest := cmsOpenProfileFromFile(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Dest)), 'r');

    if (hSrc <> nil) and (hDest <> Nil) then
      xform := cmsCreateTransform(hSrc, TYPE_BGR_8, hDest, TYPE_BGR_8, Intent,
      xform := nil;

    if hSrc <> nil then

    if hDest <> nil then

    if (xform <> nil) then
      cmsDoTransform(xform, { Input }, { Output }, 1);



procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  IntentNames: array [0..20] of PAnsiChar;
  I, Count: Integer;
  GetProfiles(cbRGBProfiles, cmsSigRgbData);
  GetProfiles(cbCMYKProfiles, cmsSigCmykData);

  Count := cmsGetSupportedIntents(20, @IntentCodes, @IntentNames);

  for I := 0 to Count - 1 DO

  cbIntents.ItemIndex := 0;
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Registriert seit: 11. Jul 2009
57 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

AW: How to apply color profiles to produce real color?

  Alt 23. Feb 2012, 21:43
your sample code convert a RGB profile to a CMKY profile not even more

>How to apply color profiles to produce real color
FFFF00 + profile = RGB(255, 242, 0)
well, a icc profile reduce your colorspace at least
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
480 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: How to apply color profiles to produce real color?

  Alt 24. Feb 2012, 09:21
Ok, but should be here:

{ Input }, { Output } cmsDoTransform() is waiting for pointer to bitmap, if I see well in manual, I don't understand how to use it for simple color?
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Registriert seit: 11. Jul 2009
57 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

AW: How to apply color profiles to produce real color?

  Alt 24. Feb 2012, 12:14
create a 1x1 bitmap
set this pixel to a single color
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Registriert seit: 17. Mai 2007
480 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: How to apply color profiles to produce real color?

  Alt 1. Mär 2012, 09:57
Ok, I did it with 1x1 bitmap and finally I got this:

function CreateBitmap: TBitmap;
  Result := TBitmap.Create;
  Result.SetSize(1, 1);

function SingleColor(const AColor: TColor): TBitmap;
  Result := CreateBitmap;
  Result.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0] := AColor;

function GetColor(const ABitmap: TBitmap): TColor;
  Result := ABitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0];

  SrcProfile, DstProfile: string;
  hSrc, hDest: cmsHPROFILE;
  Transform: cmsHTRANSFORM;
  Intent: Integer;
  dwFlags: DWORD;
  InColor, OutColor: TBitmap;
  SrcProfile := TICCProfileItem(cbRGBProfiles.Items.Objects[cbRGBProfiles.ItemIndex]).Path;
  DstProfile := TICCProfileItem(cbCMYKProfiles.Items.Objects[cbCMYKProfiles.ItemIndex]).Path;

  if cbCompensation.Checked then
    dwFlags := 0

  Intent := IntentCodes[cbIntents.ItemIndex];


  if (SrcProfile <> '') and (DstProfile <> '') then
    hSrc := cmsOpenProfileFromFile(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(SrcProfile)), 'r');
    hDest := cmsOpenProfileFromFile(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(DstProfile)), 'r');

    if (hSrc <> nil) and (hDest <> nil) then
      Transform := cmsCreateTransform(hSrc, TYPE_BGR_8, hDest, TYPE_BGR_8,
        Intent, dwFlags)
      Transform := nil

    if hSrc <> nil then
    if hDest <> nil then

    InColor := SingleColor(RGB(255, 0, 0));
    OutColor := CreateBitmap;

    if (Transform <> nil) then
      cmsDoTransform(Transform, InColor.Scanline[0], OutColor.Scanline[0], 1);

    Color := SingleColor(OutColor);
So, this should convert RGB to CMYK (here monitor RGB to paint CMYK) - I selected from list sRGB IEC6 1966-2.1 for RGB and US Web Coated (SWOP) v2 for CMYK. I expect CMYK red, but I got RGB red (same as input). What I'm doing wrong?
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Registriert seit: 11. Jul 2009
57 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

AW: How to apply color profiles to produce real color?

  Alt 4. Mär 2012, 06:05
you create OutColor := CreateBitmap but where did you create Incolor ?

PS don´t forgot to release your created bitmaps

Geändert von freeway ( 4. Mär 2012 um 06:09 Uhr)
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